This Independence Day, America Again Has a Monarch
We have gone from an inherited tyrant to an elected one.
We have gone from an inherited tyrant to an elected one.
He is standing up for the principle that secret law has no place in a constitutional democracy.
Author of a number of memos providing legal basis for extrajudicially killing U.S. citizens has been nominated for a federal judgeship.
1st Circuit Court of Appeals nominee reportedly wrote at least one secret memo justifying the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki.
If our government thinks it is justified in killing people, it shouldn't act like it has something to hide.
The Obama administration is probably right to fear the public reveal of its heretofore secret rationale for extra-judicial killing.
The FAA is throwing its weight around, not protecting the public.
Assault doesn't seem to comply with president's policy on drone use
He was off the clock; had he been working he might be afoul of the FAA too
Judge ordered Interior Ministry to prove the activist is safe
The possible target has not be accused charged with any crime
For goods like medicines or government documents
Unnamed country will not permit US military on its soil
May have been seen above
Pakistani officials asked for drone strikes to be curtailed as they work towards peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban
American officials have not confirmed that the target was killed
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