Will the New '100 Percent Fatal' Mind-Uploading Service Work?
Do you want to be in control group or the experimental group?
Do you want to be in control group or the experimental group?
The first comprehensive survey on attitudes about human enhancement finds Americans are open to some crazy new technologies.
Alkahest's vampire cure for aging experiment yields equivocal results
The "California Dream of Transhumanism" on why he's pro-robot, running for governor of California, and still angry about getting busted at 18 for selling pot.
People seeking to flourish should have the freedom to enhance their bodies and minds
In Radicals Chasing Utopia, transhumanist enthusiasm gets a bad rap.
The novelist, activist, and BoingBoing founder on cyber warfare, Uber-style reputation economics, and what he's likely to get arrested for someday.
Being equally diseased, disabled, and dead is only fair, says New York magazine.
A review of Beyond Human: How Cutting-Edge Science Is Extending Our Lives
Also most babies will be created using skin cells and the bioethics of radical life extension
"I think it is important to not regulate the AI industry," says Gary Johnson.
Hanson presents his new book, The Age of Em: Work, Love, and Life when Robots Rule the Earth. I discuss.
Come by at 11 am Tuesday, June 7 to hear author Robin Hanson and me.
My fellow Americans should not get to vote on what enhancements I might want
DeepMind's AlphaGo may signal the advent of the age of computational thaumaturgy
Until the time that Minsky is either revived or uploaded, may he rest in peace
"If scientists can dream of a genetic manipulation, CRISPR can now make it happen"
Neurotracking, video games, laughing rats, brainwave sniper training, robot love, and a "pernicious libertarian"
RU Sirius and Jay Cornell have literally written the book on what's coming next in self-directed evolution.
A review of A Dangerous Master: How to Keep Technology from Slipping Beyond Our Control
Q&A With Disinformation Encyclopedia Authors R.U. Sirius and Jay Cornell
Better to be the donor than the recipient in this case
Just because it's new doesn't mean that it's wrong.
Recent advances in uterus transplantation will soon make this possible
"The first person to live to 1,000 might be 60 already," asserts anti-aging researcher Aubrey de Grey
Artificial intelligence and the possibility of human extinction
The new book Immortality warns against the quest for eternal life
Forcing humanity to remain relatively stupid and sick doesn't make us freer
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