Election 2016
Pretend Answers on Terror
Politicians and pundits think they know what should be done.
Reason Tweets the GOP Debates
The GOP debates in Vegas tonight. Join the Reason staff for news, views, and abuse.
Rubio Insists NSA Needs All Our Metadata; Cruz and Paul Call Him Out
Surveillance brought up in Republican debate.
Rand Paul vs. The Libertarian Moment
Does the Kentucky senator's lackluster presidential campaign mean that nobody supports "Free Minds and Free Markets"?
Mike Rowe to Bernie Sanders: Stop Telling Everyone College Is The Only Thing
Sanders implies "that a path to prison is the most likely alternative to a path to college. Pardon my acronym, but...WTF!?"
Chasing Trump Means Going for Religious, Anti-Gay Primary Voters
Cruz and Rubio rise as they focus on social conservatives.
5 Things to Watch for in Tonight's GOP Presidential Debate
The race heats up as Trump, Cruz, and Rubio battle over foreign policy and more.
Rand Paul Unveils Loud and Scary New Ad Attacking Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Refugees
As campaign falters, the Kentucky senator "sounds the alarm."
Dear GOP: Dump Trump
Donald Trump is the closest thing to a fascist in America in generations.
Ted Cruz's Climate Change Festival of Fraud
Response to global warming evidence mischaracterizes the truth.
Millennials: Disillusioned, Politically Disengaged, And…Getting More Libertarian!
Majority agrees that "government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."
"Why Hillary Clinton Should Thank God for Donald Trump"
The billionaire is keeping us all from focusing on just how terrible the Democratic frontrunner really is on everything.
Donald Trump May Be a Dangerous Buffoon, But He's No Hitler
Americans worried about a future Hitler should oppose abusive executive power no matter who is president.
Fear & Loathing: The Secret of Donald Trump's Success
Regardless of if and when he stumbles, Trump may have already set the tone for the 2016 race.
Donate to Reason! Because We Will Be Dogging Candidate/President Clinton's Every Freedom-Disrespecting Move
While Trump gobbles the oxygen, Reason keeps pointing out the awful ideas and practices of the Democratic frontrunner
Your Presidential Frontrunners Discuss the Internet
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: compare 'n' contrast
Donald Trump Is a Bad Person
His presidential campaign is driven by his penchant for uncivil and obnoxious behavior.
Being Libertarian vs. Being Anti-Establishment: The Crucial Difference
Being against business as usual in DC doesn't mean being pro-liberty.
Yes, Donald Trump Is Still Ahead in the Polls, But It's Not Time to Panic Yet
Voters won't really start paying attention until January.
Rand Paul Introduces Bill Banning Refugees From "High-Risk Countries"
The "SECURE Act" also puts a 30-day delay on citizens of countries in the Visa Waiver program.
Is Ted Cruz As Big a Jerk as Donald Trump?
And can he win over libertarian hearts and minds despite his culture war bloviation?
Watch Nick Gillespie Talk Ted Cruz on Fox Business' Kennedy Tonite
Can Texas Ted win the libertarian vote in 2016? Tune in at 8 P.M. and midnight ET tonight.
Cruz vs. Rubio on Foreign Policy is a Test of the GOP's Tolerance for Hawkishness
The two senators have been bashing each other with particular gusto this week.
UPDATED! CLERICAL ERROR! Next Stop on Crazy Train: Maybe Planned Parenthood Shooter Was Upset at Unisex Bathrooms?
Ted Cruz's sad attempt to talk transgender smack when asked about Planned Parenthood killer.
Hillary Clinton Wants $275 Billion in Additional Federal Infrastructure Spending—But Won't Say How She'd Pay For It
The Democratic candidate's plan is both vague and unnecessary.
Hillary Clinton's Dubious Tax Pledge
Should voters trust Hillary Clinton's promise not to raise taxes?
The Secret of Donald Trump's Charisma
Watching the candidate find his positions is like watching a man tune a radio.
"War Prayer 2015"
Thank God for a renewed sense of common purpose in these desultory, fractured, and hyper-partisan times.
Why We Need a New Declaration of War Regarding ISIS
Enough already with fighting the "long war" against terrorism in the "passive voice."
Updated! Donald Trump, Muslim IDs, and Mike Huckabee's Falafel Fixation
The GOP succumbs to nativist hysteria in the wake of Paris attacks.
EXCLUSIVE: Gary Johnson Talks ISIS, Refugees, Black Lives Matter and Marijuana Leglization
The former New Mexico governor and 2012 Libertarian Party presidential candidate makes first comments on recent turmoil, talks future.
Hillary Clinton's ISIS Strategy is a Warmed-Over Mess But at Least She Wants to *Declare* War…
...rather than pretend whatever it is we're doing is something else.
Bad Ideas for Combating the Islamic State
GOP candidates offer solutions that are redundant, meaningless, or reckless.
Ben Carson Lives in a Different America (One That Includes Vermonticut)
Leading the Republican presidential field, the good doctor flubs basic geography.
What Bernie Sanders Won't Say in His Socialism Speech Tomorrow
In which we relate the strange saga of Jasper McLevy, because he probably won't turn up in Sanders' speech
Sen. Lindsey Graham Proposes Forever War with ISIS, Wherever It May Lead
'No geographical limits. … No expiration date.'
Donald Trump Proves Once Again That He Is Both a Bully and an Authoritarian
The GOP frontrunner's call to close mosques shows he doesn't understand how the First Amendment works.
Candidates Court the Fringe
Yes, the Republican Party base includes a large share of conservative Christians. But there is a grim double meaning to the word "base."
Ben Carson's Own Advisers Admit He Doesn't Have a Clue About Foreign Policy
Will it matter during a time of international crisis that the GOP's co-frontrunner is just stone making it up as he goes along?
Updated! If Syrian Passport of Paris Bomber is a Fake, Will Guvs Let in Refugees?
And will Ted Cruz consider that the Mideast is not suffering from too little US attention but too much?