Generic Republicans Edge Out Generic Democrats in 2014 House Polling
From CNN
Trying to help the GOP move forward
Another Tea Party vs. Establishment battle brewing
Did they once think it would be a boon on election day?
Thanks to Obamacare disaster
30 visits to wealthy donors since April
Challengers still not posing a serious threat for 2014 election
There will be 36 gubernatorial elections next year
Says he wants to spend more time with his young children
Matt Bevin eyeing the Kentucky seat
Boehner used to own a plastics company
Drudge tweeted: "Speaker Pelosi Part 2: Opening Jan 5. 2015."
Have primaries to worry about
McConnell and Majority Leader Harry Reid negotiated a deal to end to the government shutdown
Says "Congressman Justin Amash has turned his back on our conservative principles by voting against the Paul Ryan Budget..."
Believe Republicans will have a harder time criticizing opponents who served in the military
Steve Israel says the "hypocrisy" shocks him
Christie previously declined an invitation by Paul to hash things out over a beer
Shutdown could prompt higher turnout from liberals
Better than an endorsement?
Campaign committee doing serious business
Could struggle to made Tea Party activists and GOP establishment happy
Helped the GOP big time in 2010
Still waiting to see who will enter the race
Electability being called into question
Polling from Democratic firm shows the two tied
"War on Coal" could be used against Democrats in coal-producing states
Could choose Republican, Democrat, hold election this year, next
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