French Win Right to Censor Internet All Over the World
French authorities says Google must apply "right to be forgotten" to international search-engine results.
French authorities says Google must apply "right to be forgotten" to international search-engine results.
Seventh Day Adventist's "Taqiya" paranoia shows a disturbing if familiar lack of faith in U.S. institutions.
His Syriza party captured a plurality of the vote in a snap election yesterday.
Markets and globalization have lifted billions out of poverty and lessened global inequality. So what's behind the pope's agenda?
Pope is a "communist and a Marxist" who has "assaulted matrimony" in a "rejection of his papal role," says leading Catholic libertarian.
We're super-cereal about this. Really.
"Libertarians Are Among Us!" sez French leftist paper Liberation. "Ultra individualist movement remains politically marginal but now swarming in pop culture."
Republicans might not admit-or even understand-it, but they have finally given up on "dumb wars."
And can those who call Iran the Axis of Evil be too surprised at being called the Great Satan?
The only one saying much is Martin O'Malley.
On foreign policy and drug policy, he staked out distinct and forward-looking policies.
The Republican Party will never command the future unless it gives up its ridiculous nostalgia for its last great figure.
Glenn Beck, Rand Paul, and others with TP cred sure seem to think so
The Vermont socialist running for Democratic presidential nomination once launched war on Chinese bobbleheads.
U.S. carriers complain of "unfair competition" from state-subsidized Persian Gulf airlines.
America's loss is Germany's gain.
The billionaire's insult-laced patter is straight outta a scurrilous dating scene.
And don't let emotionalism drive foreign policy, or immigration laws. That's no way to run a country.
Trump, Carson, Walker, et al turn their backs on Ronald Reagan in favor of nonsense, xenophobia, and outright cruelty.
Springsteen and DeLillo failed us, but Neil Young, Elton John, and the tightrope walker Philippe Petit brilliantly honored the dead.
"I'll be thinking...about the relentless-probably unique-ability of New York City to bury its dead and move on..."
Our policy responses in the aftermath of that vile day should teach us all to be more humble
It has let hawkish security considerations defeat the purpose of America's asylum program
India's upper-caste protests show that the scenario is not so bizarre.
Trump says there are "a lot of good things, a lot of good points" in libertarianism but doesn't want to talk specifics
George Will, Glenn Beck, Karl Rove, John Podhoretz and many others aim their poison pens at the GOP frontrunner
Amna Farooqi, Muslim head of Israel-advocacy group J Street, says she is "culturally Jewish."
Former Florida governor criticizes his older brother's presidency on first Colbert show. But is GOP really party of "limited govt"?
Populist conservatism continues to eat itself in Campaign 2016
India's upper-caste quota wars suggest that racial quotas for whites are not so far fetched
Are you wo(man) enough to take the quiz "What does it mean to be an Amazon?"
And of voluntary self-government too
Challenge asserts that the IRS can't rifle through the bank information of Americans just because they live abroad
Roll over, Friedrich Hayek, and tell G.K. Chesterton the news!
Can a country formed on limited government attain international legitimacy?
There are two weeks left for Congress to act if it wants to try to stop the deal.
Anatomy of an authoritarian GOP meme, from Newt Gingrich joke to Chris Christie proposal
No man is a hero to his valet. And no secretary of state looks good asking for TV listings, envying Princess Di's P.R., and following up on gelfite fish.
From deporting U.S. citizens to electronically tagging tourists, the top 14 Republican presidential candidates each said something insane about immigration this month
They both stink in a crisis and will leave you high and dry.
From Trump to Rand, Hillary to Webb, spending and guns and taxes and drugs and war!
They are a boon to America and should be greeted with open arms
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