John McCain Approves of All Trump Nominees Except the Fiscally Conservative Budget Director Who Dares Question Military Spending
The media's favorite maverick makes his priorities clear: America must stay militarily extended, forever
The media's favorite maverick makes his priorities clear: America must stay militarily extended, forever
They want to end the 2011 sequestration that caps defense spending.
Rather than face reality, Defense Department wants to continue to peddle the fiction that it is underfunded.
More than 5,000 people work in the federal government's PR machines; more than at the Department of Education.
Israel is fully capable of funding its own defense, but now they'll have billions more to spend on U.S. weaponry.
Defense spending higher under Obama than Bush, who was himself a huge spendthrift...
To make America safer, we need to get military costs under control.
Rather than cut defense spending, lawmakers seek armaments the Defense Department does not need.
The island commonwealth and the U.S. would benefit from giving each other more space and more freedom.
Also deals with base closures, domestic violence, and the Global Cultural Knowledge Network
Europe can afford to defend itself.
The truth about military spending.
Can Ted Cruz promise to bust the budget over military spending and still appeal to former Paul supporters?
U.S. military spending dwarfs that of every other country. And we're pledged to defend 25% of humanity.
Republicans and Democrats join together to spend more money.
If Congress cut the Pentagon's budget in half, the U.S. would still be "the strongest military power in the world."
That stirring multi-million-dollar display of patriotism you saw at halftime was brought to you by...your own tax dollars!
Will now leave almost 6,000 troops in Afghanistan in 2017.
Takes 17 years to spend $2.7 billion on idiotic failed program.
Republicans might not admit-or even understand-it, but they have finally given up on "dumb wars."
Republicans are all hypocrites when it comes to Defense cuts.
If you liked George W. Bush, you'll love the guy who think Bush did a 'fantastic job'
The two Tea Party senators-turned presidential aspirants present clashing visions of American power
A big chunk of Pentagon spending prior to 2010 cannot be audited.
The 2016 presidential longshot wants to love American democracy to death.
Nearly $1 trillion was spent on the war in Afghanistan, mostly under President Obama.
Yes, that's right: Congressional leaders are forcing the Pentagon to take more money than it asked for.
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