minisdune | <em>Dune</em>/Warner Bros. Pictures


Director Denis Villeneuve managed to turn a book about a feudal fight over a desert planet into a film enjoyable for both casual audiences and superfans alike.


minisfoundation_appleTV | Apple TV+


The TV adaptation of Isaac Asimov's classic trilogy is still fundamentally about the ways in which politics and objective truth inevitably clash.


minisUndoing-Drugs_Hachette-Go | Hachette Go

Undoing Drugs

Harm reduction invites a radical reconsideration of the way the government deals with politically disfavored intoxicants.


minisTacky's Revolt_harvarduniversitypress | Belknap Press

Tacky's Revolt

Historian Vincent Brown's new book examines the 18th-century slave insurrection, arguing it was really four different wars at once.



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In her new memoir, journalist Tracy Clark-Flory weaves in a quarter-century of cultural advice, warnings, and gripes about the sex lives of millennials.



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