Somali Militants "Order" Telecoms to Shut Down Mobile Internet Over Concerns About US Targeting
Local telecoms a Somali success story
FBI Director: Snowden Not a Whistle-Blower
Doesn't seem to think that anything illegal happened at all
Lawmakers Skeptical Whether Obama Will Actually Reform NSA
Some weren't encouraged by meeting with president
DOD Claims Snowden Leaks Helped Terrorists
Since the report is classified, though, we cannot analyze the evidence
The NSA Even Spies on Congress
If we fail to stop this soon, the next generation of Americans will not even know what privacy is.
Merkel Accepts Invite to Visit United States
Not long after scandal about NSA surveillance of Europe
Computer Security Conference Loses Speakers over NSA Scandal
Company accused of taking money from agency to create backdoor for government to use
NSA Looking Into How it Could Give Up Custody of Phone Data Logs
Phone companies not keen on taking them
California Legislators Introduce Bill Banning State Agencies From Working With the NSA
Bipartisan legislation
Rep. Peter King Wants NSA To Monitor Members of Congress in Case They're Talking To Al Qaeda
Made the comment on Fox News yesterday
Rand Paul Calls For Snowden To Receive Light Prison Term
Says the NSA whistle-blower does not deserve to be executed or spend the rest of his life in prison
The New York Times Calls For US To Offer Snowden Clemency or Plea Bargain
"He may have committed a crime to do so, but he has done his country a great service"
Apple Says It Hasn't Worked with NSA to Provide IPhone Access
Says it has no knowledge of "backdoor" program
ACLU Files New Suit Regarding NSA Snooping
Trying to get information about what happens to data NSA collects
Privacy Advocate at Hacker Conference: NSA Can Use iPhone to Eavesdrop on You, Radar Wave Devices to Pull Information Off Computers
Jacob Appelbaum ast the Chaos Communications Conference in Hamburg
Report: Windows Error Messages May Be Back Door For NSA Spying
You thought you were telling Microsoft about your crash, you may have been letting the NSA know
Telecom Company to Take Legal Action About NSA Report
About the government accessing customer communications
Der Spiegel: NSA Hacks Intercepted Computer Deliveries
Reporting based on information leaked by Edward Snowden
Former NSA, CIA Chief Calls Snowden a "Traitor"
Michael Hayden says the NSA is "infinitely weaker" because of the whistle-blowers leaks
This Christmas, Edward Snowden Wants the World to Rediscover the Gift of Privacy
England's Channel 4 allows whistleblower to pass along a holiday message