Turning Yourself Into a Surveillance Camera May be Perfectly Legal
Sousveillance as a constitutional right.
The NSA's Online Dragnet
Warrantless surveillance hits the target, along with many other people.
NSA Allowed to Spy On Pretty Much Anyone, Anywhere, Documents Reveal
Broad authorization, convenient legal interpretations, and technical hanky-panky put us all at risk.
Can Ignorance Protect Your Privacy?
A ruling against warrantless tracking assumes that people don't know how cellphones work.
WTF FBI? Agency Has Huge List of Twitter Slang (and Some of It's Fake)
Here's nine of the weirdest. ALOTBSOL, AMIRITE?
NSA Hammered by Unwelcome Headlines, Even With a Small Courtroom Win
Chances are, the professional snoops are pining for the quieter old days.