Popular Defiance Will Kneecap Gun Laws in New Mexico, As It Has in Other States
Following the lead of their rebellious constituents, local officials say they won't enforce despised rules.
Following the lead of their rebellious constituents, local officials say they won't enforce despised rules.
Two bills dealing with background checks would criminalize innocent behavior and unjustly interfere with the exercise of Second Amendment rights.
A lame headline provokes even lamer charges of incitement to violence.
The problem isn't a lack of laws, but poor implementation of those laws.
A clear violation of the First Amendment -- and not even justified under the College's own stated reasons.
The mass shooting became a story about gun control. But it's also a story of incomprehensible government failure.
But the new ordinance violates the First Amendment, because it tends to deter (and deliberately so) association with an advocacy group.
A panel decision had said there is such a right to carry (though the state can decide whether people must carry openly or may carry concealed); the Ninth Circuit has just agreed to rehear the matter with an 11-judge panel.
After Cody Wilson was arrested on a sex crime charge, Heindorff took the helm at Defense Distributed. Now she's leading a massive free speech battle over the right to download a gun.
Plus: Nancy Pelosi on the "Green New Deal"; John Boehner, cannabis lobbyist
The latest map of state laws related to concealed carry, 1986 to 2019, is out -- and it's striking.
Another cert. petition asks the Supreme Court to resolve the circuit split on this question.
The AG's report suggests Emantic Bradford was in the wrong for simply carrying a firearm.
Since 2013, California has outlawed new semiautomatic handguns
The state can't scrub gun manufacturing info from the internet, so they're trying to make distributing it a crime--First Amendment be damned.
Federal law treated the conviction -- for altering a motor vehicles department certificate that allowed the owner to have tinted windows on his car -- as a felony, because the maximum penalty was five years in prison. But state law treated it as a misdemeanor, and the defendant was sentenced only to a year's probation.
"Since openly carrying a handgun is not only not unlawful [in Washington], but is an individual right protected by the federal and state constitutions [as the Washington Supreme Court had earlier held]," it cannot "be the basis, without more, for an investigative stop."
New York City's arbitrary restrictions on transporting firearms give SCOTUS a chance to curtail rampant disrespect for the Second Amendment.
In first Supreme Court Second Amendment case since 2010, Court must decide whether the right applies in any meaningful sense outside the home.
Five-round magazines and background checks for ammo purchases
Shouldn't he be avoiding most of the whole state of Washington?
The category is defined by politicians, who focus on looks rather than function.
Among other things, it would call for investigators to review three years' worth of a would-be gun buyer's social media postings for "excessive discriminatory content."
Come from England or Japan for a short visit? Feel free to shoot at a range! Return on a student visa? Federal felony for you (and friends who take you) if you go shooting. Unless, of course, you've gotten a hunting license -- even if the range visit is completely unrelated to the hunting.
Blame normal TSA incompetence, not the government shutdown, for allowing a passenger to smuggle a firearm through security.
An interesting opinion from an Illinois appellate judge, arguing against the Illinois rule under which it's a crime to possess a gun with a defaced serial number even if one has no reason to know that it's defaced.
Federal law bans felons, illegal aliens, and others from knowingly possessing guns (or ammunition); does the government also have to show that the defendant knew he was a felon, illegal alien, or within some other prohibited category? [UPDATE: Last paragraph corrected.]
Sen. Dianne Feinstein's latest bill classifies firearms not by what they do but based on how they look.
The latest version of the senator's "assault weapon" ban targets products that highlight the irrationality of "assault weapon" bans.
The policy is very popular and a top priority for House Democrats, but it would hurt innocent people without doing much to improve public safety.
Other circuit courts have reached the same result, though not all have used the same reasoning.
Control freaks have turned to dishonest rulemaking and outright censorship in doomed but still dangerous efforts to take people's weapons away.
Defense Distributed and the Second Amendment Foundation insist that law violates the First Amendment, Commerce Clause, and Supremacy Clause.
Currently, most Florida public school teachers can't carry in the classroom.
A ballot initiative that took effect this week bans sales to adults younger than 21.
J.D. Tuccille, Lisa Snell, and Rob Long discuss the democratization of everything at Reason's 50th anniversary celebration.
A federal lawsuit says the state is violating the Second Amendment by refusing to recognize the restoration of firearm rights by courts in other states.
Police officers, who can now charge people who own 15-round magazines with a felony, were outraged when it looked like they might receive equal treatment.
This might not be what lawmakers had in mind when they created this program.
The administration usurps Congress by redefining machine guns.
The "questionable" "editing choices," the court said, weren't sufficiently injurious to reputation to qualify as libelous (whether or not they conveyed a false message).
A 3rd Circuit judge says the decision approving New Jersey's 10-round limit treats the right to arms less seriously than other constitutional rights.
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