He Immigrated to the U.S. as a Child. He Was Just Kicked Out—Despite Coming Here Legally.
"Documented Dreamers" continue to have to leave the country even though this is the only home many have ever known.
"Documented Dreamers" continue to have to leave the country even though this is the only home many have ever known.
Plus: A listener asks if there are any libertarian solutions to rising obesity rates.
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In-state tuition isn’t enough if they can’t work legally.
A compendium of my writings defending the morality and legality of this program - but also warning that it remains imperiled unless and until Congress passes a law institutionalizing it.
There are about 200,000 "Documented Dreamers" who were brought to the U.S. legally by parents who obtained work or student visas. Some now face deportation.
A new bill could give some hope to "Documented Dreamers."
The Supreme Court never held that DACA was legal when adopted, and a court in Texas has decided it is not.
President Barack Obama's government deported more people than any other administration in history.
Obama was also no immigration hero.
Just about everyone—conservatives, progressives, libertarians—should be glad to say goodbye to this cruel approach to immigration policy.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised to fully reinstate DACA. But such a move will surely be challenged in court. Here's an easy way to reduce the risk that such challenges might succeed.
Professor Christopher Walker explores a potential wrinkle in the DACA decision.
Professor Zach Price on the Chief Justice Roberts' Decision in Dept. of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California
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The decision is only a temporary reprieve for DACA recipients, and still permits Trump or a future president to repeal the program if he is willing to pay the political price of doing so.
Defying expectations, Roberts joined with the four liberals on the court to rule against the Trump administration's elimination of the program.
In what appears to be a quite narrow ruling, Chief Justice John Roberts holds that if Trump wants to get rid of DACA, he'll have to try again.
Trump is caught in a trap of his own making.
Plus: the effects of restrictive zoning on education access, DACA's uncertain future at the Supreme Court, and Mayor Pete's miraculous surge
Plus: New York's rent control expansion has predictable effects, people are boycotting Uber again, and violence continues in Hong Kong.
The Trump administration's justification for rescinding DACA relies heavily on the claim that the program is illegal. But it's not.
What one executive does, another can undo.
The Senate majority leader says he will not allow a vote on it, despite widespread support for the measure.
The RAISE Act would strongly prioritize high-skilled immigrants.
Selene Saavedra Roman was taken into custody in a Houston airport.
But Democrats shouldn't simply walk away.
Denying Trump a symbolic victory isn't a good reason to play with the lives of Dreamers.
Democrats should negotiate a partial wall for Dreamer deal
The man who derided Mitt Romney for being extreme is now to the right of the Know Nothings.
They are doing an end run around House Speaker Ryan to force a floor vote on a Dreamer fix
The student handbook makes it clear that students broke university policy.
Only a man with a big heart can dump on foreign workers while enjoying their services.
El Paso Democrat, trying to change Texas from red to blue, talks about guns, weed, and how we've already got "record safety and security on our border"
He should make a peace offering to Congress now or suffer midterm losses.
The president's plan would slash legal immigration by as much as half, the most drastic cut in nearly a century.
So it's come to this.
The Securing America's Future Act is a nativist nightmare.
It'll throw millions more immigrants under the bus than it'll save.
Their poison pill demands are making a deal nearly impossible.
The GOP is declaring war on Dreamers.
Matt Welch talks with Slate Capitol Hill reporter Jim Newell, as well as Michael Shermer and Erin Gloria Ryan, on SiriusXM Insight at 2 pm ET
Like millions of Americans but with more emojis, the convicted/commuted leaker and would-be senator has views that don't fit neatly into our two-party mold.
His heart is in the right place, but his conclusion is faulty.
Citing Trump's "flawed legal premise," a federal court temporarily stops the administration from ending DACA.
Lawmakers should be prepared to shutdown the government to escape it
The bill advances lowers corporate and individual tax rates while setting the stage for large increases in the deficit.
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