Ted Cruz Is Wrong: Climate Change Does Not Necessarily Entail Progressive Policies
"Hot or cold, cooling or freezing, global egalitarian measures are required."
"Hot or cold, cooling or freezing, global egalitarian measures are required."
And can he win over libertarian hearts and minds despite his culture war bloviation?
Can Texas Ted win the libertarian vote in 2016? Tune in at 8 P.M. and midnight ET tonight.
The two senators have been bashing each other with particular gusto this week.
Ted Cruz's sad attempt to talk transgender smack when asked about Planned Parenthood killer.
Enough already with fighting the "long war" against terrorism in the "passive voice."
The GOP succumbs to nativist hysteria in the wake of Paris attacks.
And will Ted Cruz consider that the Mideast is not suffering from too little US attention but too much?
After the circus in Colorado, did Fox Business deliver a debate of ideas?
Tonight's debate is also the first to come in the wake of widespread dissatisfaction from the campaigns about the ways the debates have been handled.
Constitution: No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States
No, not the debt, or entitlements, or even Hillary Clinton.
Paul and Cruz sparring over the "liberty" GOP vote heats up; whose votes were more genuine? Foreign policy still a fault line.
Republicans want to compete for libertarian votes.
And if they stumble, it's Cruz who's best positioned to gain.
No, she's not some sort of pioneer of religious victimization.
Not that anything would actually come of such beliefs.
Anti-birthright Republicans should make their deportation plans clear. But so should pro-'pathway' Democrats
Forget Trump, how about Clinton, Cruz, and Carson?
Democratic candidates are endorsing—or paying lip service to—reform. What will happen in the GOP?
Paul's effort to brand Trump a "fake conservative" earns angry Twitter tirade from "Trump," who has begun putting his own name in scare quotes.
The fight over SCOTUS heats up.
The best speech you'll see the Texas senator make
No appeals, no definition of 'helped,' no due process
When will Republican voters start punishing the serial lies of an idiocratic TV huckster?
Presidential candidate omitted from bestseller list over accusations of bulk purchases.
This would turn the court into a third political branch, notes George Will.
Also, new study proves I might be right!
Are there libertarian-leaning Republicans who think Rand Paul is too soft on ISIS?
Reason's guide to whether any of the 2016 presidential hopefuls would actually cut government.
The conservative senator takes a page from Kennedy's pro-growth economic playbook.
This is the latest example of how social media empowers the audience, not the "star."
The intra-party fight over Patriot Act & USA Freedom Act is a sign we're finally moving past 9/11 politics.
The presumptive Democratic nominee wants to do something about mandatory minimums but won't say what.
Paul's is the only voice among those running for president who is faithful to the Constitution.
Libertarian magician looks at political propaganda so you don't have to
Q&A with "Ask a Mexican" columnist Gustavo Arellano
Aren't Democrats supposed to be more enlightened on this issue?
Do not even speak to the outgroup!
It's not just the press stirring the pot as senator files legislation.