Tim Cook Tells Senate Apple Pays All The Taxes It Owes
Senate subcommittee targeting Apple for "tax avoidance"
Apple CEO Tim Cook to Senate: We Pay All The Taxes We Owe
"Every single dollar," he tells a Senate subcommittee
Abolish the IRS (and the Income Tax With It)
No dissenter can ever rest assured he is safe from the arbitrary power of the IRS.
The IRS Abuse Scandal Keeps Growing
An audit of the agency's behavior unearths disturbing new information.
States Target E-Cigarettes With Taxes
Because discouraging a safer alternative to smokes is brilliant
Goldman Sachs to Finance $500 Million in SolarCity Leases
They get tax credits for doing so
Trying to Deflect the IRS Scandal: Railing Against 501(c)(4) "Social Welfare" Organizations… Like Organizing for Action
Complaining about 501(c)4 status without mentioning OFA uses it is disingenuous at the very least.
Beware the IRS
The long, disturbing history of using the Internal Revenue Service to target political opponents.
How the IRS Targeted Tea Party Groups for Abuse
The government agency apologizes, says "mistakes were made."
As Freelancing Surges, Many Workers Move Off the Books
Slammed by taxes, they find it attractive to just duck the IRS
Sen. Paul Introduces Bill That Would Weaken US Tax Evasion Law
Not a fan of The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
Rapper Ja Rule Released From Prison
Served sentence for "attempted illegal gun possession" and tax evasion
GA Out Big Bucks on Business Subsidies After Failing To Do Due Diligence
Missed lots of red flags
Lauryn Hill To Record New Studio Album To Pay Her Back Taxes
Last studio album released in 1998
Are Online Sales Taxes Only Fair?
The Marketplace Fairness Act imposes an unnecessary burden.
CO Legislators Scheme To Squeeze High Taxes from Marijuana
Without, somehow, driving it back underground
South Dakota Shop Owner Gets Eight Years on Sales Tax Violation
"Feed me," says the government
Australian Government Struggles With Slipping Tax Revenues
The place was one of the world's few economic bright spots
IRS Identifies, Targets, Areas Prone to Tax Avoidance in the U.S.
Good areas to not live if you want minimal hassles
Sen. Paul Under Pressure To Drop Opposition to Tax Treaties
Has blocked Senate action on treaties with Hungary, Switzerland, and Luxembourg