Border Adjustable Tax Another Way to Grow Government
It feels like mercantilism, hammering imports while promoting exports.
It's Past Time to Dump the OECD
Let taxpayers in high-tax nations subsidize the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
California Road-Tax Hike Is Really A Pension Tax
Who will pay for the roads? Taxpayers, every year.
California Wants To Make Itself Even Less Competitive
Looking to set up a death tax if Trump repeals the federal one.
The Coming Federal Fiscal Binge
Ready for another round of tax cuts combined with spending increases?
Is California 'Death Tax' Bill Real or Just More Anti-Trump Spite?
A state senator proposes replacing the federal estate tax with a state tax, if Trump gets his way on repeal.
Don't Let Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Kill Tax Day
It's the one time of the year taxpayers are confronted with just how much of their earnings are captured by the government.
Food Taxes Should Die, but Won't
Against all common sense and fairness, some states continue to tax grocery purchases.
Gender 'Injustice' Behind Call to Reduce Taxes on Tampons
"There is no happy hour for menstruation," says a legislator looking to pay for tax cuts on feminine products with a tax hike on hard liquor.
Leaked Returns: In 2005, Trump Claimed $150 Million in Earnings, Paid $36 Million in Taxes
Tax returns leaked; Rachel Maddow's exclusive gets scooped by White House pre-response.
With Sales Depressed by Soda Tax, Philly Grocers Look to Cut Jobs as Mayor Blames 'Greedy' Soda Industry
One of the city's largest beverage distributors is planning to cut 20 percent of its workforce; grocery stores across the city are also planning to shed jobs.
Energy Efficiency Mandates Are Worse for Poor Americans Than Energy Taxes
Energy taxes are obvious to voters, while the effects of energy efficiency standards are sneakier
Which Is Worse for Poor Americans: Energy Efficiency Mandates or Energy Taxes?: New at Reason
Politicians prefer efficiency mandates because they are less obvious to voters than taxes.
Trump Definitively Forsakes His Promise to Release His Tax Returns
"People didn't care," says an adviser. "They voted for him."
Protesting This New-Fangled Sales Tax
Friday A/V Club: The Mississippi Sheiks didn't want to pay extra.
Outrage in Philadelphia as New Soda Tax Doubles Drink Prices
That won't stop other cities and states from trying to duplicate the dubious policy.
Bitcoin Exchange User Tries to Stop IRS From Forcing Coinbase to Give Up Customer Information
IRS is acting in bad faith and overreaching, argues motion to quash its subpoena seeking a wide range of information about the bitcoin exchange's customers.
Bouncy Houses and American Idol: How Local Governments in Pennsylvania Blew Drilling Tax Revenue
The money is supposed to offset environmental consequences of natural gas drilling, but some localities used it as a slush fund for pet projects and parties.
California's Gift to Its Neighbors: Expanded Cigarette Smuggling Opportunities
They even opened the door to tax-avoiding e-cigarettes!
Court Allows IRS to Order Bitcoin Exchange Coinbase to Give Up Their Customers' Identities
Attempts to make sure the feds can successfully tax pseudonymous bitcoin transactions getting serious.
Chicago's New Bag Tax Will Generate $13 Million, Won't Save Environment
So, it's working as planned.
Canadian Panel Reportedly Recommends Low Marijuana Taxes and Purchase Ages
A task force emphasizes the importance of displacing the black market.
House Republicans Want to Make the Wrong Change to the Corporate Tax
A holiday recipe for government growth.
Lower Taxes Will Help Bring Legal Weed out of the Black Market
Local elected officials will have important decisions to make about taxes if California voters legalize weed in November.
Pennsylvania's New Tax on Vape Shops is Forcing Them Out of Business
Both parties are to blame for a bill that's also making it more expensive for smokers to switch to safer alternatives.
Donald Trump's Billion-Dollar Tax Loss Is a Diversion From More-Serious Matters
Like the fixation on Gary Johnson's "Aleppo moments," this stuff stymies serious conversation about first-order concerns like government spending.
Backpackers in Australia to Carry Weight of New Tax
Government moves forward with 19 percent tax on working travelers.
Battle Over Publicly-Financed Las Vegas Stadium Heats Up
Sheldon Adelson and NFL's Raiders run into opposition from conservative tax watchdog group and Nevada's largest labor union over proposed stadium.
Taxing Human Waste Won't Get Chicago's Pension Fund Out of Deep Doo-Doo
Residents of the city will pay $57 annually as part of a rescue plan that hinges on several questionable assumptions.
The Legal Marijuana Business Will Be as Complicated and Confusing as Everything Else in California
A flood of local initiatives introduced in response to state vote.
Pennsylvanians Will Have To Pay For Gov. Chris Christie's Bad Spending Habits
With $80 billion in pension debt and after handing out $1.5 billion in corporate welfare, Christie looks across the Delaware River for a bail-out.
A New Look at the Kennedy-Reagan Growth Recipe
JFK and the Reagan Revolution argues that America can return to prosperity by looking to the Kennedy-Reagan model of income tax cuts and a strong, stable dollar.
Will a Zombie Congress Devour Our Gains?
Well...more than the non-zombie Congress already does.
Bay Area Politicians Strangling the Region's Key Industry
San Francisco lawmakers want to put the squeeze on tech companies.
Chicago Culture Cops Tax Concert-Venues Because Rap, Rock, Country Aren't 'Art'
The taxman plays art critic
Hillary Clinton's Terrible Tax Plan
Clinton's refusal to reform the corporate income tax is stunning.
These 2 Olympics Commercials Show Everything That's Wrong With Democratic Economics
While Hillary Clinton tries to tax Wall Street and punish companies that move, Andrew Cuomo uses scores of millions of taxpayer dollars to advertise a failed government program that waives taxes and rewards companies that move
Schumer, Norquist on Thin Ice With Olympic Tax Break
The politicians would probably be better off just lowering everyone's taxes, rather than picking and choosing a few already lucky Olympic athletes to reward with tax cuts.
Stop Government Promotion of Food Waste
Why do we put up with laws and regulations that contribute to the problem?
Trump Says Clinton is the Candidate of the Past—but His Ideas Are All Old News
The GOP candidate's economic plan comes down to vague tax cuts, deregulation, and unwinnable trade wars.
Donald Trump, Who Promised Repeatedly to Release His Tax Returns, Definitely Won't Release His Tax Returns
Even Nixon released his taxes while under audit.
Philadelphia's Soda Tax Is a Bad Idea Other Cities Will Copy
Despite promises from activists and lawmakers, it won't help low-income consumers.
Why Governments Hate It When Other Countries Have Low Taxes
While international bureaucrats enjoy tax-free salaries, they never tire of trying to raise taxes on everyone else.