A Scary Government Report Implies That Moderate Drinking Is Manifestly Reckless
The focus on the health risks of alcohol consumption gives short shrift to the reasons people like to drink.
The focus on the health risks of alcohol consumption gives short shrift to the reasons people like to drink.
The harm caused by marijuana abuse does not justify reverting to an oppressive policy that criminalized peaceful conduct.
Is it just to punish the many for the excesses of the few?
In an important new article, political philosophers Jason Brennan and Christopher Freiman explain why standard justifications for paternalistic restrictions on consumers also apply to voters.
The proposed rule, which targets the cigarettes that black smokers overwhelmingly prefer, will harm the community it is supposed to help.
A paternalistic new law is having unintended consequences.
By exacerbating an already severe blood plasma shortage, the new policy will cost lives - and also deprive poor Mexicans of much-needed income.
Recent works by longtime intellectual antagonists Cass Sunstein (author of "Too Much Information") and Mario Rizzo and Glen Whitman (authors of "Escaping Paternalism") have a surprising amount of common ground.
Since meager testing resources left officials ignorant of crucial facts about the epidemic, they made policy decisions without the evidence necessary to assess their proportionality.
The agency's scaremongering about e-cigarettes undermined its credibility on the eve of a true public health crisis.
Regulators say six separate drinks are fine, but combining them in one vessel is a crime.
Reason editors discuss Trump's Warsaw speech, the Putin meeting, Mike Pence's Mars shot, and more.
Minnesota becomes the 39th state to allow Sunday liquor sales.
People have a right to do what they want with their own bodies.
The city council rejected regressive paternalism in favor of a simple money grab.
Proposed rule treats poor people like children and exposes government paternalism at its most naked.
How technology is freeing both patients and physicians from the medical industrial complex
Controlling contagious diseases is just one of many items on the agency's to-do list.
Remembering the darker side of the liberal senator's legacy
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