Author of the Patriot Act Calls Sen. Feinstein's Bill "a Joke"
Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wisc.) says Congress' intelligence committees have become NSA "cheerleaders"
Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wisc.) says Congress' intelligence committees have become NSA "cheerleaders"
Clients may take business somewhere else because of the revelations
Despite objections from British Conservatives
Worried terrorists use the games to communicate
Including Americans abroad
Forbid local authorities from providing services or cooperating with federal agencies engaged in spying
And the rest of us?
Calls accusations the revelations have put national security at risk "very vague and not rooted in specific stories"
Both think terrorism is increasing
According to top secret NSA document
In the face of government surveillance
Agency insists it's doing nothing inappropriate
FBI unit handles a lot of the dirty work
Documents reportedly show evidence of incompetence, not intent
Approved by British intelligence officials
Sobriety checkpoints and mandatory drug tests, et cetera
That's not as reassuring as they think
But it's fine because officials were informed
According to declassified documents
A little more attention than the agency likes
Declined without comment
Documents leaked by Edward Snowden reportedly show that an Australian security agency targeted the phones of Indonesian officials