After Uvalde, Politicians Push Irrelevant Gun Control Proposals
The gun control policies under discussion are fundamentally ill-suited to prevent mass shootings.
The gun control policies under discussion are fundamentally ill-suited to prevent mass shootings.
The legislation prohibits firearm sales based on juvenile records and subsidizes state laws that suspend gun rights without due process.
"The only thing stopping a hallway of dedicated officers from entering Room 111 and 112 was the on-scene commander who decided to place the lives of officers before the lives of children."
Transparency advocates say police could invoke a notorious loophole that allows them to hide records of deaths in custody and police killings.
If Congress decides to encourage them, it should not overlook the importance of due process protections.
What happened in Uvalde is part of a pattern, not an aberration.
Robb Elementary didn't need additional cops; it needed the cops on hand to actually do their jobs.
Protective devices incapable of offensive use are now unavailable for legal purchase by New Yorkers.
The administration's slippery terminology illustrates the challenge of distinguishing between "good" and "bad" guns.
An analysis of such crimes suggests the president’s policy prescriptions are unlikely to have a meaningful impact.
"She was holding back from sharing her story until now."
The president implies that anyone who resists his agenda is complicit in the murder of innocents.
Because there is no reliable way to identify future mass shooters, it is inevitable that many innocent people will lose their Second Amendment rights.
Faculty/Administrator Safety Training & Emergency Response (FASTER)
While that impulse is understandable, it can lead to policies that do more harm than good.
Plus: The editors contemplate the recent Libertarian National Convention.
“Scared straight” juvenile policing programs have a history of not working. They’re not the solution to school shootings.
Two federal appeals courts recently concluded that such age restrictions are unconstitutional.
"There were 19 officers in there," said a police spokesperson. "In fact, there were plenty of officers to do whatever needed to be done."
Why did it take an hour for the police to stop alleged killer Salvador Ramos?
Don't conflate mass shootings with school shootings.
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Making schools more like prisons would not appreciably decrease violence.
Neither expanded background checks nor a federal "assault weapon" ban can reasonably be expected to have a meaningful impact on such crimes.
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These three gun controls failed in New York, and there is little reason to think they would work elsewhere.
There's much we don't know about the shooting in Texas that left at least 21 people dead, including 19 children. Nevertheless, Joe Biden knows exactly who to blame and how to stop future shootings.
Despite caricaturing (some) gun owners, Nick Mamatas' conspiracy-fueled science fiction novel avoids moralizing in favor of dark humor.
It's not clear which guns she is talking about, and even Collins does not seem to know.
Predicting violence is a lot harder than people claim in retrospect, and a wider net inevitably ensnares more innocent people.
In response to the Buffalo massacre, Gov. Kathy Hochul invoked a hoary analogy to justify censorship.
The vast majority do not have disqualifying records, and "universal" requirements are easily evaded.
Plus: The editors each point out one key disagreement they have with one another.
"It's all induced by the internet," she said.
The problem is not sneaky entrepreneurs who sell accessories; it's legislators who ban guns based on functionally unimportant features.
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Maybe it's not a good idea for the government to prohibit all viewpoint-based moderation on social media.
Maybe it shows that the existing restrictions are not working as advertised.
The charge requires proof that James and Jennifer Crumbley knew their son posed a threat and could have prevented the attack through "ordinary care."
The shooting was horrific, and the shooter deserves prosecution. But the charges should fit the crimes.
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The fees would be used to reimburse the city for the public costs of gun violence.
David Chipman's obfuscation, like the president's vagueness, is aimed at concealing the illogic of targeting firearms based on their "military-style" appearance.
Even when states authorize gun confiscation orders, identifying would-be mass shooters is a daunting challenge.
Georgia D.A. reverses her previous position when faced with a mass shooting she sees as a hate crime.
A new RAND analysis shows how difficult it is to answer basic questions about this rare variety of homicide.
Although police seized the perpetrator's shotgun when he was deemed suicidal, he was never identified as a potential murderer.
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