Hillary Clinton Joins Twitter
Thanks creators of Text From Hillary meme
Says things are shaky in Asia and the Middle East
Reimbursed colleagues for donations to Clinton's '06 and '08 campaigns
Favorability rating drops from 61 percent to 52 percent
Contribute to a PAC supporting a presidential campaign
Doesn't want a repeat in a possible 2016 run
In a speech in Iowa the Senator provided a harsh criticism of Clinton's handling of the Benghazi attack
Remembering the officials and commentators who inaccurately blamed a murderous attack at least in part on an obscure YouTube trailer.
What will the content-to-grandstanding ratio be?
Depends on how damaging you think she'd be
Made the remark during speech to the Missouri Republican Party
Made the comments at the Clinton School of Public Service
Has quite a family reputation to live up to
Looks like the beginnings of another White House run
Will be at the National Multi Housing Council in Dallas
Polling suggests that she is viewed more favorably than some of the GOPs current possible 2016 contenders
Were sent by friend of the former secretary of state Sidney Blumenthal
In a video for the Human Rights Campaign
Michelle not running?
Her bureau charges up to $290K per speech for Bill
At 61 percent also higher than President Obama
Says she's "confident about the direction we have set"
Not exactly the most positive end for her work
Prompting, of course, more speculation that she will
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