Hillary Clinton's ISIS Strategy is a Warmed-Over Mess But at Least She Wants to *Declare* War…
...rather than pretend whatever it is we're doing is something else.
...rather than pretend whatever it is we're doing is something else.
'This is a worldwide fight and America must lead it.'
Major-party candidates who opposed pot prohibition before Bernie Sanders
A noun, a verb, a gender reference, and 9/11
All three candidates are determined to increase the government's power over labor, wages, the economy, and health care, among other things.
The 1990s saw a wave of weird warnings about a coming crime surge to be led by inhuman "superpredators." Guess who joined in?
But he has had a bigger impact than the others.
Moving pot to Schedule II is weak tea compared to Bernie Sanders' support for repealing federal prohibition.
Politicians in Washington want to tell you what to do and take your money for it.
Fox Business Network at 8 p.m. ET. Show also includes Ron Paul!
This candidate promises to "take a hard look at licensing requirements from state to state" and simplify small-business taxes.
Is honesty relevant in an election about punishing the enemy?
And yet, she voted to bail them out and Dodd-Frank is only making big banks bigger. So why the Molly Bloom impersonation?
Will the Republicans nominate someone who can challenge the former secretary of state's reckless warmongering?
The Benghazi hearings amount to a kind of poetic justice.
No, DOMA did not protect same-sex couples from a possible constitutional amendment.
The liberal New York Times columnist and the libertarian ex-congressman are right to focus on failed Libya policy writ large.
There's little chance of Australia's model coming to the states.
...and much, much more on the Politinerds podcast.
What difference at this point does it make? If you value free speech, a lot.
The Democratic frontrunner takes the exact wrong lesson from an illegal, ill-advised war
Clinton, haven't you stated a few dozen times that you never sent or received emails marked "classified"?
The Democratic presidential candidate thinks Australia's mass confiscation of firearms "is a good example."
She'll even sell out her husband's trade legacy to get elected.
Is confiscating half of GDP and high energy prices a winning Democratic strategy?
Debate performance illustrates that civil liberties and executive-power abuse matter mostly when Republicans run the White House
Both candidates seem to think our prisons are filled with pot smokers.
Neither seem to realize how much better life is, thanks to markets.
The vice-president is an unrepentant drug warrior and has promised "no changes" to old-age entitlements that screw the young.
These anti-gun positions haven't traditionally done the Democratic Party much good.
That's 10 a.m. ET for a full two hours of democratic socialism, Walmart, school-funding, and so on
...is that the NSA whistleblower could have gone through proper channels, says Snowden's lawyer.
Both candidates exaggerate marijuana's role in mass incarceration.
She was for the TPP before she was against it
We can start with the fact that she is her own worst enemy.
Clinton and Sanders had opportunities to offer concrete solutions to criminal justice issues during last night's Democratic debate, but failed to deliver.
Who "won" the first Democratic debate?
Clinton is still noncommittal on marijuana legalization, even though she mistakenly thinks most low-level, nonviolent offenders in prison are there for smoking pot.
Clinton, Sanders, Webb, O'Malley, and Chaffee are nobody's idea of small-government crusaders, but they got some things right.
If I'm staying up this late, so should you!
Clinton says Snowden should 'face the music'
Hillary's roboticism, Webb's untapped potential, and the Democrats' lurch to the economic left
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