New Zealand Government Punishes Gun Owners for Their Political Beliefs
The police targeted “sovereign citizens” for surveillance and disarmament.
The police targeted “sovereign citizens” for surveillance and disarmament.
Innovation and defiance hobble government efforts at control.
Often, the best thing for lawmakers to do is nothing.
Fortson answered the door holding a legally owned handgun at his side. Within three seconds, a police officer shot him six times.
Gov. Janet Mills’s office referred critical social media posts to the police. The FPC pushed back.
Vague rules and an unjustified raid led to Bryan Malinowski’s brutal death at the hands of federal agents.
Fortson, a 23-year-old active duty airman, was shot and killed by a Florida sheriff's deputy when he opened the door to his apartment holding a gun at his side.
Lower courts have been extremely skeptical of attempts to regulate unfinished parts as firearms.
Tucson and Pima County have a history of passing restrictions that conflict with state law.
Rather than destruction of property, Wendell Goney was convicted of possession of a firearm as a felon.
A watchdog group cites ATF "whistleblowers" who describe a proposed policy that would be plainly inconsistent with federal law.
Survey finds growing acceptance of civilian firearms among the country’s population.
Flagstaff keeps digging a hole over commercial free speech.
The 4th Circuit’s rejection of Maryland’s handgun licensing system suggests similar schemes in other states are unconstitutional.
Plus: A listener asks for the editors’ advice on how to spend his money.
No response to authoritarian government actions is quicker or more reliable than non-compliance.
Americans support tighter laws, but not as much as they distrust government and like owning guns.
The events expose an underappreciated downside to government registries: In addition to civil liberties concerns, so much information in a concentrated database is a potential privacy nightmare.
Researchers report that many gun owners, especially newer ones, falsely deny owning guns.
Now both a violent and nonviolent felon have been found by lower courts to have a Second Amendment right to own weapons. The Supreme Court will likely consider the issue in the near future.
Once again, firearm-averse legislators chase after a restriction-averse public.
It’s a win for self-defense rights in ongoing campaigns to conscript businesses for political causes.
Senior Editor Jacob Sullum examines how the claim that Japanese gun restrictions account for the country's low violent crime rate isn't as simple as it sounds.
The ATF used a lot of words that invite lawsuits and leave industry insiders baffled.
Ukrainians have taken to the streets with arms to defend their country and their freedom.
Politicians deputize the private sector to restrict rights protected from the government.
If you want to own a machine gun, it's probably not going to happen anytime soon—even if you make a decent living and have never committed a crime.
It's easy for many people to see the harm that guns are involved in every day in America, but much harder for them to see the harm that gun prohibition causes.
Restrictions have little chance of moving beyond political theater, or of winning compliance if passed.
Plus: Yale University faces an interesting lawsuit, the ACLU takes a stance on student loan debt, and more...
An academic field rife with hostility to private gun ownership now gets to know the address of every California owner of a weapon, a weapon part, or ammo.
"Restrictions on guns in public spaces are appropriate to make public spaces safe for democratic participation."
Plus: ACLU rewrites Ruth Bader Ginsburg, theaters sue over NYC vaccine passports, and more...
Stopping the import of Russian ammo is just pretending to do something noble.
Getting a law passed is not the same thing as getting people to obey.
It's likely that soon, almost all Americans will be legally able to carry guns.
The president is picking fights with much of the population and further dividing the country.
Plus: GOP gender policing in North Carolina, marijuana legalization mistakes, and more...
Samuel Cummings built a global weapons empire in Washington, D.C.'s shadow.
David Cole writes in defense of the National Rifle Association
Millions of new firearm owners who have lost faith in cops and government will be a tough audience for shopworn gun control schemes.
The state boasts of blocking 754 illegal purchases, but it wrongly tagged 101,047 law-abiding people as prohibited. Any of them could have been targeted.
Under New York's rules, licensed pistol and revolver owners were not allowed to leave home with their handguns unless they were traveling to or from a shooting range.
Plus: Clinton says "nobody likes" Bernie, Biden wants Section 230 revoked, Iran takes responsibility for Jan. 8 plane crash, and more...
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