Why Did San Francisco's Last Gun Shop Close Its Doors?
High Bridge Arms gun shop refused to handover customer information to police.
Edward Snowden's Lawyer on the Government's War on Whistleblowers
Jesselyn Radack reveals what happens when whistleblowers go through those "proper channels" we're always hearing about.
When Rules Multiply, the World Needs Rule Breakers
Breaking the rules can lead to innovations.
America: At Least We're More Free Than Estonia!
United States ranks 20th in the Cato Institute's new freedom index.
By the Declaration's Logic, Is It Time for Another American Revolution?
Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit weighs in with a provocative prevarication.
Better Government Through Crowdsourcing
Can Americans' collective wisdom solve our collective problems?
Barcelona's New Mayor Promises a People's Revolution, Says Government Privileges Are 'Symbolic'
Leftists need to understand most people don't agree with them no matter how loudly they declare to be speaking for "us"
As Long as Government Exists, Our Freedom Is Insecure
The only way for the state to truly respect our liberty would be to dismantle itself.
China All Things to All Pundits: Mostly a Rhetorical Trope and Fairy-Tale Boogeyman
"They wouldn't do that in China"
Let's All Disobey Stupid Laws
Many freedoms we take for granted exist because of lawbreakers.
19% of Americans Self-Identify as Libertarians, New Reuters Poll Finds
One-third of Millennials, but only one-eighth of oldsters, embrace the term
Government Doesn't Create Jobs
The real key to job creation is leaving people free to explore, innovate and profit.
The Chicago Fray
Rahm Emanuel's been in crisis mode for the last 4 years, and it's led to a few right decisions.
The Quantified Citizen
Engineering happiness might sound good, but it will leave us all less free.
In California, Another Silly Plan to 'Reinvent' the Government
The Little Hoover Commission examines why Californians don't trust their government. Media and lack of funds, not corruption and inefficiency, cited as causes.
Capitalism Does Much More for Poor People Than Government Playing Santa Claus
Government creates loyalty in the minds of citizens by pretending to be Santa Claus.
Loss of Trust in Government Leads to Power Swings
Americans have less faith than ever in government and politics, leading to volatility in congressional control.
Does the Constitution Still Matter?
Americans right and left tend to give up on the Constitution whenever it gets in the way of policies they like.
Contemporary Democracy Is a Fraud
Once it grows to a certain size, so-called democratic government begins to soften and weaken the people.
How to Talk to Nonlibertarians
What libertarians have to explain to the politically disengaged and uninformed
Hobby Lobby Could Be a Slippery Slope in the Right Direction
No one should be able to use government to force anyone else to buy them something.
"Automatic Government" is Leading to an Automatic Spending Disaster
Philip K. Howard, "The Rule of Nobody," and how technocracy is strangling the future.