Friday A/V Club: You Are Watching LSD-TV
There was a time when psychedelics could get friendly coverage on a commercial TV news show.
There was a time when psychedelics could get friendly coverage on a commercial TV news show.
An aging Eastern European animator's protest against Stalinism
Black Panthers, hunters, and "nuts with guns"
Before the streets were filled with people carrying cameras in their pockets, nonprofessional news footage was still on the rise.
Look out, world! Here comes Willkie!
The most poker-faced joke in the history of pop music...maybe
One Harding rumor confirmed, one Harding rumor refuted
Free speech, flags, a police riot, and the other time Bill Buckley called Gore Vidal a queer
One of the odder artifacts of the Spanish Civil War
A look back at Baker v. Nelson, with footage from the plaintiffs' marriage ceremony
From Birmingham 1963 to Charleston 2015
Plus an anti-metrification argument from the Whole Earth Catalog's Stewart Brand
Then-Rep. Paul speaks at the magazine's 15th anniversary celebration.
How the left, the right, and the middle looked in 1967
From Operation Urban Warrior to Jade Helm 15
Don't blame me, I voted for Sizzler.
A tale of movies, racism, censorship, and zombies
A country music star wants to get into the marijuana business. There was a time when that would have sounded weird.
Two Firesign Theater veterans recut some ancient movie serials into a conspiracy comedy.
The 1943 cartoon Ration Bored
An artifact from the age of peacetime conscription
When the down-low panic came to Law and Order: SVU
A blast of techo-utopianism from 1929
'The choice of Paris as the venue of the performance suggests there is a conspiracy against Islam.'
An earlier—and rowdier—revolt at the NYPD
Or something like that
George H.W. Bush: "We have made illegal some kinds of labor that I'd like to see legal."
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