Detroit Still Trying to Tax Business That Abandoned City 15 Years Ago
No wonder they left?
Officer safety trumps for the children
Motor City declared bankruptcy in July
How much people received is not known because it was not disclosed
Says years of litigation would be "horrendous"
The loss of jobs and development is the symptom, not the disease
Seem to think the problem is job creation and development and not taxes and spending for some reason
The public says Obama disappoints on transparency and that Congress passes too many laws. It's split on Snowden, trusts Facebook less than the IRS on privacy, and opposes a bailout for Detroit.
Through bureaucracy and authority, not by actually being good or anything
Mayor Menino said he would blow Detroit up "and start all over"
Let the city keep her refund, and then it comes after her for more
Rape kits abandoned in a warehouse
Same two candidates will face off in November regardless
Some counts show a write-in candidate in first, others the county sheriff--either way the two will face off in November
Bankrupt Motown gives $450 million gift to the Red Wings owner
Initial mediation efforts to begin in September
Attacks suspect, who has not yet been charged with a crime
Cities don't have to be in trouble to dump retirees on federal taxpayers
Museum director upset creditors want their money back
Asks Christie's to look at city-owned collection
Object to emergency city manner calling them "dumb, lazy, happy and rich"
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