Penn. Town Cites Federal Reg About Pennies as Payment That Expired 50 Years Ago
News outlets repeated the claim while Internet commenters were skeptical.
News outlets repeated the claim while Internet commenters were skeptical.
This is what a bank run looks like.
If unaddressed, an arbitrary protocol quirk implemented by Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto could soon undermine the scalability and long-term viability of the cryptocurrency.
Evading state control is a feature, not a bug
They'll try anything but lowering taxes and reducing regulations
Congressman points out silliness of Sen. Manchin's complaints about bitcoins
International airlines won't take their increasingly worthless currency
Not that they were going to, anyway
Around 20 countries already have bank notes made of polymer
Reflects fears about state of U.S. economy
Banks around the world could be implicated
International investors have withdrawn billions of dollars worth of shares and debt from Indian markets since June
Indicted for alleged money laundering
Backup for when federal policy crushes the currency
Government expertise at its best