Sherlock Holmes' Latest Case Comes to an End
Its last bow
Analog regulations are straining to adapt to an increasingly digital world
By creating a new right in actors' performances, this case may make any number of works unavailable at the behest of actors.
Intellectual property and piracy managed to co-exist in 19th-century America.
They didn't host them -- just linked to them
Huge copyright impacts
Locked out of the public domain.
Some mostly-good news on the copyright front.
That feature photos of Hooters waitresses, ad was changed to "Kooters" but the photos remained
Trying to help the GOP move forward
Another effort to try to block online piracy
DMCA's well-known for being used to try to silence speech
"Zero Tolerance" policies have done wonders for schools, right?
Says "all society benefits" from Google Books
Go do something productive instead
Attempt to use copyright to shut down criticism backfires magnificently
Though the likely made up only a small percentage of file-sharing service
Protecting victims is important, but broad laws threaten everyone's free speech.