Budget Deficit
Ron Paul Should Be Proud to Be 'Outside the Mainstream'
The Texas congressman is the only Republican presidential candidate who breaks decisively with the status quo.
Ron Paul Challenges Mindless Militarism
The Texas Republican's foreign policy perspective is desperately needed in the 2012 campaign.
Despite Its New Diet, Virginia State Government Is Fatter Than Ever
State government as a whole just keeps getting bigger.
Obama Takes Off the Gloves
After three years of expanding the federal government's cost and scope, the guy who campaigned on a "net spending cut" pushes for a newly activist Washington
Detroit Needs a Regime Change
The Motor City must be liberated from its moribund government if it is going to survive.
The Balanced-Budget Amendment Delusion
A balanced budget amendment won't halt the growth of big government
What Part of Deficit Reduction Does Congress Not Understand?
If members of Congress can't find $1.2 trillion to cut in 10 years, the only reason is they aren't serious.
Passing the Purse
Congress can't delegate fiscal policy, but it can balance the budget without raising taxes.
Good Riddance to the Super Secret Supercommittee
Why Washington should kick its spending habits in the clear light of day
Go Ahead, Pull the Trigger
Why the Super Committee should allow its automatic deficit-reduction mechanism to work.
Borrowing From Paul
The Texas congressman's fiscal plan challenges his opponents to put up or shut up.
Fifty Seven Percent of Americans Want Washington to Focus On Reducing Spending
Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem
Fifty Seven Percent of Americans Want Washington to Focus On Reducing Spending
Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.
Reason-Rupe Poll: 57 Percent of Americans Say Spending Cuts Will Help the Economy
Nearly 69 percent of taxpayers expect their taxes to go up in the next five years and 62 percent think Congress will spend tax increases on new programs instead of paying down debt
Fiscal Hawks vs. Defense Hawks
The potential defense cuts in the debt deal spell the beginning of the end of the neoconservative military agenda
The Myth of the Middle Class Mortgage Deduction
The mortgage interest deduction no longer primarily benefits the middle class