Obama's War on Coal Is Unconstitutional, Says Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe
Maybe Congress can't "turn back the clock" on the EPA's lawless Clean Power Plan, but the courts may well do so.
Maybe Congress can't "turn back the clock" on the EPA's lawless Clean Power Plan, but the courts may well do so.
Obama, bored with Congress, stages a kickoff event for an imaginary third term.
The president's tired rhetoric and policy proposals show that we've not yet entered the 21st century in politics.
The president doesn't make the case for taking out ISIS
The good news is that everyone will have forgotten this turd sandwich by the end of the week.
And it's way past time that lying domestic spying agency chiefs should be punished.
President vows that he will press forward with hodgepodge of climate regulations
Only three cabinet-level officials are military veterans, and it's unclear how many veterans work at the White House
Obama administration did almost nothing to lower oil and gas prices
News, views, abuse, and links you can use to get you though Barack Obama's annual address.
President's fair shot/fair share message tonight lifts from his 2012 State of the Union address
While most of us will be tuning out tonight's SOTU, here's a reason to watch: It frames the president's thinking about the next year.
Barack Obama's ratings for his annual State of the Union Addresses have gone down like the Titanic. What's behind the slide? Anger and disappointment mostly.
There's a reason you've probably never heard of the Congressional Review Act.
From Iran to Nigeria, there's a lot the president can talk about, and a lot he won't say
Comparing the rhetoric of two presidents who inherited economic messes reminds us of the wide gap between their respective recoveries.
Analysis, snark, helpful links, and more-all in realtime as the president chatters
The president's new tax plan will wreak economic havoc.
What happens when you take one sentence from each SOTU since 1961? You realize how empty American speechmaking has become.
Obama's new tax proposals hit more than the rich.
You may want to skip the State of the Union address and prepare for something humbler, like the Super Bowl.
The president didn't get much of his wish list last year and he'll get even less this time. That's a good thing.
The president addresses a country that currently hates his political party by offering more big government.
The dumb debate about Obama's absence from a Paris rally
Would add just 1/100th of a degree to man-made warming by 2100
Dozens of world leaders showed up for the Paris unity rally but not Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, or Eric Holder
The president has begun to deliver on promises of a more rational, less punitive approach to psychoactive substances.
What powers the president gains from having 30 national emergencies in effect.
Obama has taken concrete steps to loosen restrictions on U.S.-Cuba trade. Agriculture has been-and will be-the key driver of change.
Meanwhile U.S. intergenerational income mobility has not slowed.