White House Concedes It Can't Assassinate Domestic Noncombatants
Thanks for the good news
New Poll Finds 57 Percent of Americans Think Obama's Assassination Program Is Unconstitutional
And they really hate drones.
U.K. Quietly Strips Terror Suspects of Citizenship Prior to Overseas Assassination
Washing their hands, eh?
Questions Grow Over Targeted Killings Within the U.S.
The administration specifically denies using drones, but what about other means?
Obama's Executive Death Warrants
Obama's drone strikes are an affront to the entire Anglo-American constitutional order.
Thousands Attend Chokri Belaid's Funeral
Tunisian opposition leader was killed on Wednesday
Obama Gives Himself Permission To Kill
How long will it be before we see drone assassinations on American soil?
Targeted Killings Policy Misuses Military Concept of "Imminence"
Bending the law to suit executive whims
Targeted Killing Memo Raises, Rather Than Soothes, Concerns
The government says it has the right to do what?
Obama Administration Leaves Assassination Lists as Its Legacy
Nearly 3,000 people have been killed by drone strikes
Widows of Assassinated African Leaders Can't Sue Rwandan President in U.S Courts
The widows of the former presidents of Rwanda and Burundi accuse Rwandan President Paul Kagame with orchestrating the shooting down of their plane
Convention Flashback: Anti-Masons Initiate Two Campaign Traditions
Looking back at the first presidential nominating convention.
Hey Barry, Where's Your License To Kill?
Congress wants to know why the White house thinks the president has the legal authority to order the assassination of Americans overseas
The Biggest Secret Service Failure of All Time
Obama's crew has nothing on the team that got drunk before JFK's assassination.
Runaway Missiles
Why not trust the president with the power to kill anyone he considers an enemy?
Just Your Typical Would-Be Assassin
Tuscon shooter Jared Loughner fits the profile of a killer. But not in the way you might think.
Shooting Down the Conspiracy Theory
The House Assassinations Committee and the Warren Commission are both wrong. There is no need to invoke a conspiracy to explain what happened in Dealey Plaza. A historian—and eyewitness—recreates the events of November 22, 1963.