Reason Staff
Latest from Reason Staff
Ed Krayewski: Help the Cops Chill Out
How law enforcement can be made more compatible with Americans' liberty.
Ronald Bailey: Abolish the Intelligence-Industrial Complex
A modest proposal for doing away with the intelligence agencies that violate our privacy.
Anthony Randazzo: Are Demographics Destiny?
Self-interest, sex, snakes, and the making of our political preferences
Baylen Linnekin: Supreme Court Gets Another Chance to Kill Crazy Raisin Regulations
There's reason to be optimistic about the case's return to the Supreme Court.
Ronald Bailey Asks If It Is Immoral to Enable Men and Transgender Women to Gestate
Just because it's new doesn't mean that it's wrong.
Kurt Loder Reviews Still Alice and Wild Card
Julianne Moore at a new peak, Jason Statham in search of action.
Shikha Dalmia on President Obama's Failure to Stick Up for Religious Liberties in India
He missed an important opportunity
Patrick Eddington on Why Digital Dragnets Don't Keep Us Safe
No, mass surveillance won't stop terrorist attacks.
Jacob Sullum on How Congress Will Respond to D.C. Marijuana Legalization
Will they respect democracy and local control or insist on toeing a prohibitionist line?
Steve Chapman: An Iran Deal Is Nothing to Fear
Such an accord would also shelve the option of attacking Iran, a longtime dream of neoconservatives.
Ron Bailey: 'Kill Pixels, Not People'
Exploding the fake scientific consensus on violent video games
Ronald Bailey Argues that Warbots Could Be More Moral than Human Soldiers
So let slip the robots of war?
Steven Greenhut on Big Brother in Your Car
California mulling regulations that would give government more access to on-board computer data.