John Stossel is the host and creator of Stossel TV. The former host of Stossel on Reason, Fox Business' Stossel, and ABC's 20/20, he has won 19 Emmys and authored several best-sellers, most recently No, They Can't: Why Government Fails—But Individuals Succeed. He is also the author of a popular weekly column that is syndicated via Creators.
Latest from John Stossel
What Would You Do to Improve Job Growth?
Reason asks economists, writers, and wonks for real ways to increase job growth
Who's the Boss?
Why ABC let me bash its sponsors.
The Money Hole
Is it too late to get America out of debt? Not if we stop spending and follow the examples set by Puerto Rico and Canada.
Gas Prices and the Market
The government's war on speculators won't make gasoline any cheaper.
Gun Owners Have a Right to Privacy
The government has no business infringing on our Second Amendment rights.
Students Who Get It!
College students are rejecting statist dogma and embracing individual liberty
An Academy Award-Winning Movie, Stuttering and Me
Why my stuttering is no longer the obstacle it once was
Is Seasteading the Future?
We need all the alternatives to big arthritic government we can get.
Prohibitionists: Leave Us Alone!
The government has no business attacking caffeinated alcoholic drinks
Uncle Sam Will Help Buy You an Alpaca
How the government produces negative unintended consequences
Why Do People Believe in Fantasies?
It's good to be skeptical. It's really good to be skeptical about government.
Political Correctness on Campus
We need more debate about controversial subjects like affirmative action, not less.