ministradetalks | <em>Trade Talks</em>

Trade Talks

A new podcast reminds us that even complicated macroeconomic issues can be fruitfully reduced to the sum of individual action.


minisdune | <em>Dune</em>/Warner Bros. Pictures


Director Denis Villeneuve managed to turn a book about a feudal fight over a desert planet into a film enjoyable for both casual audiences and superfans alike.


miniseternals | <em>The Eternals</em>/Marvel Studios

The Eternals

The film is suffused with the patronizing notion that good superheroes are benign despots who know what's best for the rest of us.


minisfoundation_appleTV | Apple TV+


The TV adaptation of Isaac Asimov's classic trilogy is still fundamentally about the ways in which politics and objective truth inevitably clash.


minisloki | <em>Loki</em>/Marvel


Even the most powerful cosmic demigod can be foiled by the even-more-powerful machinations of bureaucracy.


minisUndoing-Drugs_Hachette-Go | Hachette Go

Undoing Drugs

Harm reduction invites a radical reconsideration of the way the government deals with politically disfavored intoxicants.


ministhelamp | The Lamp

The Lamp

The new Catholic publication's editors declare up front that they "reject the progressive left [as well as] the libertarian-conservative right."


minisroseisland | <em>Rose Island</em>/Netflix

Rose Island

The new film never wavers in its appreciation for these seasteading heroes as they piss off all the right people in pursuit of their slice of utopia.


minisTacky's Revolt_harvarduniversitypress | Belknap Press

Tacky's Revolt

Historian Vincent Brown's new book examines the 18th-century slave insurrection, arguing it was really four different wars at once.


MINIS3 | <em>One Night in Miami</em>/Amazon

One Night in Miami

The movie depicts the fictionalized gathering of Cassius Clay, Malcolm X, Jim Brown, and Sam Cooke, who spar over what each is doing to advance civil rights.




The voice-only app's rooms range from innocuous to substantive to deliberately inflammatory.



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