Stunning Rejection of Scientific Values of Transparency and Skepticism at New England Journal of Medicine
Outside researchers might "even use the data to try to disprove what the original investigators had posited."
Outside researchers might "even use the data to try to disprove what the original investigators had posited."
2015 third warmest year since 1979 according to UAH satellite temperature data
Dancing on the grave of "peak oil" - will it stay buried?
Preliminary forensic analysis suggests intentional data manipulation
What happens when cancer doctors, psychologists, and drug developers can't rely on each other's research?
New activist climate scientists' video criticizes satellite data they dislike
Product placement masquerading as science
Cheaper technology is transforming scientific institutions-and it's making it easier to operate outside them too.
New collaboration announced to use precision medicine techniques to cure cancer
How low can the slide downward from the peak of the most recent commodity super-cycle go?
Actually, science only works well when all researchers show their work
A scitech research and policy round up for January 8, 2016
A scitech research and policy round up for January 7, 2016
Overall 2015 was third warmest year in satellite record
A scitech research and policy roundup for January 6, 2016
A scitech research and policy round up for January 5, 2016
A scitech research and policy roundup
The anti-doomsaying book for this decade*
A raving anti-tech activist's conspiracy theory about Chipotle's recent E. coli outbreaks.
Robert and Adlynn Harte argued that cops should have known field tests are unreliable.
So says Purdue University President Mitch Daniels in the Wall Street Journal
"If scientists can dream of a genetic manipulation, CRISPR can now make it happen"
How culture, economies, technology, and government evolve
Forget Right and Left: Are You an Upwinger or a Downwinger?
The Global Warming Policy Foundation interviews me about the book too.
El Niño Pacific Ocean warming event continues to push temperatures to record highs
Anticipating the amazing innovations made possible by CRISPR
Millions of people could shake Type 2 diabetes if they just lost some weight.
The endgame in the quest for a universal climate treaty
Paris Climate Change Conference
Heat waves 10 times more probable due to man-made global warming
Makes a wonderful Christmas gift.
The evidence concerning marijuana's effect on fetuses is mixed and incomplete.
Activists decry failure to adhere to technology-killing precautionary principle
The evidence does not support the claim that cannabis poses an unacceptable risk to fetuses.
It only took 20 years to obtain bureaucratic permission
A "relatively common" genetic mutation may trigger poor impulse control, especially when drinking.
Incremental, bottom-up, trial-and-error innovation yields moral progress, superior technologies, and greater wealth
Moving pot to Schedule II is weak tea compared to Bernie Sanders' support for repealing federal prohibition.
Global warming will cool sexual passion, says new study
Real scandal is the amount of subsidies both Sugar Daddies are pulling down from Uncle Sugar.
Man-made warming plus El Nino makes for a hot time
But all reported accidents are the fault of conventional cars.
Defense attorneys say hundreds of marijuana cases may be tainted by state crime labs' "systematic evidence tampering."
Practical suggestions for making it easier to investigate the therapeutic properties of cannabis
Sitting all day will kill you. Well, maybe not.
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