Court Thwarts Trump's Attempt To Exclude Undocumented Immigrants From Census
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Plus: Raleigh cop uses fake evidence in drug cases, caution on CDC study linking restaurants to COVID-19 cases, and more...
These proposals augment those made in Paul Rosenzweig and Vishnu Kannan's important recent article on the subject.
For the moment, the executive "memorandum" is long on rhetoric, but short on actual action. If it ever does lead to action, it could be yet another attack on federalism and separation of powers.
The event is co-sponsored by the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, and the Law and Economics Center at George Mason University.
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The ruling was issued by a conservative Trump appointee.
He has done everything in his power to stop immigrants from gaining citizenship.
Adam Thierer, author of the lead essay, has a response to his critics.
Bannon, who says he stands for the little guy, was just charged with stealing over $1 million from donors who thought they were helping to build a border wall.
The new Netflix docuseries is a damning indictment of ICE.
The vice presidential candidate opportunistically painted the site's co-founders as villains when they were actually helping law enforcement to catch sex traffickers.
The symposium includes contributions by Adam Thierer, Mikayla Novak, Max Borders, and myself. The relationship between exit and voice is as important an issue as ever.
In 2003, the prominent conservative Republican senator proposed an amendment that would have eliminated the requirement that the president be a "natural born citizen."
The ridiculous controversy over Kamala Harris' eligibility to be Vice President reinforces the point.
Biden picked a V.P. candidate whose record on police and criminal justice reform is as terrible as his own.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement removed similar guidance for students already in the country. It will still apply to new students.
In two-thirds of those cases, there were no accompanying arrests.
The author of a new history of immigration worries that the coronavirus is bringing the mythology of America as a nation of immigrants to an end.
The event will be held on August 13, and is free and open to the public.
Trump sics his border police on Americans: We are all immigrants now
Thanks to him, there will be no escaping accusations by the left that states' rights are merely a ruse to protect white power.
The lawsuit raises a variety of important issues, including a nondelegation challenge. It could turn out to be a very significant case.
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Never mind the court order showing the child as a dependent in her care.
The Department of Homeland Security announced in court that it would pull the contentious directive.
As a state attorney, the young GOP senator oversaw raids of more than a dozen massage parlors, but he didn’t secure a single sex trafficking conviction.
The ruling is at odds with decisions by four other circuits and could be headed to the Supreme Court - unless Biden wins the election and reverses administration policy.
The Australian series shows it’s not all about Trump.
The Trump administration is using the pandemic to rid the country of foreigners
ICE's recent decision to bar foreign students enrolled at universities with online-only classes is the tip of the iceberg of a much larger problem.
"Supreme Court heavily weighted against you," an appeals judge told state prosecutors last week.
The Trump administration might be setting the stage to eject foreign techies who've played by every immigration rule.
The legislation cuts lots of red tape surrounding the visa process.
Can the government compel speech? For Supreme Court justices, that seems to depend on the content of that speech.
In the video, I also make the case for extending the same rights to other victims of Chinese government oppression.
It would be smart foreign policy and beneficial to the U.S. economy.
The article explains why these policies, which made made America more closed to immigration than at any previous time in history, are both harmful and a dangerous executive power grab.
Conservative legal commentator and experienced religious liberties litigator David French explains why.
Fourth in a series of posts based on my new book "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom."
Banning foreign workers will result in the outsourcing of jobs from America.
Third in a series of posts based on my new book "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom."
Donald Trump has rewritten much of U.S. immigration law from the Oval Office, without congressional oversight or public debate.
Most immigrants, even more than many natives, viscerally appreciate America, because they know what it's like to live in an unfree country.
The event includes questions and commentary by Northwestern University law Professor John McGinnis
Professor Christopher Walker explores a potential wrinkle in the DACA decision.
Professor Zach Price on the Chief Justice Roberts' Decision in Dept. of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California
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