Dopesick Reinforces These Pernicious Misconceptions About Opioids, Addiction, and Pain Treatment
The Hulu miniseries portrays opioid pain medication as unacceptably dangerous in nearly every context.
The Hulu miniseries portrays opioid pain medication as unacceptably dangerous in nearly every context.
A drug that treats opioid addiction may also be abused. That’s not a good reason to restrict access.
A California judge said the four jurisdictions that filed the lawsuit failed to prove a "public nuisance" or "false advertising."
The government appoints itself the nation's parent.
Two recent studies show how ham-handed efforts to reduce opioid prescriptions undermine medical care.
The crackdown on pain medication made drug use more dangerous and did nothing to address the factors driving "deaths of despair."
The data do not support the conventional wisdom that pain pill prescriptions are driving drug-related fatalities.
The court said criminalizing unknowing possession violates the right to due process.
Psychiatrist Sally Satel on her eye-opening year at a clinic in Ironton, Ohio
His new book, Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear, is a provocative manifesto for legalizing all drugs.
The story of why pain relievers took root in Appalachia begins decades before the introduction of OxyContin.
Drug courts and mandatory treatment models often lead right back to incarceration.
The $8.3 billion DOJ settlement is part of a crackdown that has perversely pushed drug users toward more dangerous substitutes.
A new study indicates that heavy vaping remains rare among teenagers who don't smoke.
"We do not see addiction as a permanent personal trait," Peele and Rhoads write.
Nonmedical use of prescription analgesics did not become more common, but it did become more dangerous.
Lawmakers struggle to pass a bill protecting operators from arrest and prosecution.
Maybe people are just playing to escape all the Brexit news?
One of America's "invisible pot addicts" speaks up.
I was a gay teen in the 1980s, hiding from a terrifying world in an arcade. The WHO's push to uniquely pathologize gaming won't help people like me.
Like most people who become addicted to prescription opioids, the famous photographer had a history of substance abuse.
The anti-drug ads exaggerate the risk of addiction and falsely portray pain treatment as a highway to hell.
The photographer's long history of substance abuse predates her OxyContin prescription by more than four decades.
The government's efforts to get between people and the drugs they want have not prevented drug use, but they have made it more dangerous.
They will be privately funded and operated by nonprofits.
While the risk of "opioid misuse" increased with the duration of the prescription, the overall rate was low.
Largely due to increases in opioid overdose deaths
Do the pain relief benefits of prescription opioids outweigh their addiction risks?
The drug czar nominee withdrew his name after being portrayed as the henchman of villains who profit from addiction.
Under the guise of getting addicts treatment, courts are ordering people to do dangerous and unremunerated labor in "diversion" factory farms.
How Synanon revolutionized drug treatment and poisoned the politics of prohibition.
"I take the Hippocratic oath seriously that my job is to relieve pain and suffering," says Dr. Forest Tennant, a California pain specialist who patients from across the nation are flocking to see.
Let doctors exercise their best professional judgment and prescribe opioids-free from the chilling effects created by monitoring government agencies.
A new study highlights the gap between rising heroin use and rising heroin deaths.
How to turn good news about today's youths into a demand for more government studies.
Vivek Murthy does not acknowledge the possibility that nonmedical consumption of psychoactive substances could be beneficial.
In the Wall Street Journal, the ex-Playboy model blames online-porn for Anthony Weiner's texting troubles & kids propelled "warp-speed into the dark side."
Prescription painkillers are not as deadly or as addictive as commonly claimed.
Prescription painkillers are not as deadly or as addictive as commonly claimed.
Meanwhile: The hunt is on to find somebody to blame for Prince's death.
"Addiction rewires your brain like falling in love does," says Maia Szalavitz, author of "Unbroken Brain."
The gap in life expectancy between the top and bottom 1 percent of income for American men is nearly 15 years. For women, it's 10 years.
In the government's new war on opiates, physicians and their patients find themselves caught in the crossfire.
A push to fight painkiller abuse may do more harm than good.
How the government promotes deaths from drug poisoning
How prohibition promotes drug poisoning
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