The American Right Is Abandoning Mises
The Austrian economist's principled thought once served as a check on the intellectual right.
The Austrian economist's principled thought once served as a check on the intellectual right.
Economist Bob Murphy explains the technical details of government debt and why Modern Monetary Theory is so dangerously wrong.
Dennis Pratt and Gene Epstein debate the efficacy of ethical and consequentialist arguments for libertarianism.
Economists Gene Epstein and David Friedman debate the merits of the Austrian and Chicago schools of economics.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
The biographer of the Nobel laureate says he made us "free to choose" in areas far beyond economics.
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Three lessons from the Austrian economist Murray Rothbard on how American libertarians might think about Milei's Argentina ascension.
"The greatest thing that ever happened to me was to be born in a free country of modest means and to have opportunities," says the Nobel Prize–winning economist.
The Lords of Easy Money argues that the Fed created an economy with nearly irresistible incentives for foolish choices.
A new biography tells the story of the economist’s early life and career.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
Intellectual watchdog Phil Magness talks Nikole Hannah-Jones, Nancy MacLean, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, and Kevin Kruse.
The self-described freedom maximalist explains why he isn't put off bitcoin by its decline since last November.
"Hold on, now, you're starting to sound like an anarchist..."
The former Google engineer talks about inflation, the Austrian school of economics, and how bitcoin is revolutionizing banking.
Prices are up all over the economy. Here are scenarios about what might happen next.
Former Google engineer Vijay Boyapati talks inflation, the Austrian school of economics, and his new book on bitcoin.
The 1987 debate that foreshadowed the divide in today's cryptocurrency community
The Ogilvy ad man and Alchemy author says Ludwig von Mises is his hero and that efficiency has nothing to do with free markets.
Ludwig von Mises is “my hero,” and free markets have nothing to do with efficiency, says Ogilvy ad man Rory Sutherland.
Listen to economists Saifedean Ammous and George Selgin face off at the Soho Forum.
Watch economists Saifedean Ammous and George Selgin face off at the Soho Forum.
Terms of the grant specified that if Missouri did not use the money to hire free market professors, the donation would revert to Hillsdale.
"The economy is not like an engine that's going too hard," so let's stop analyzing it like one.
Texas Tech University's Robert Murphy vs. Cato's George Selgin at the Soho Forum
The star was spotted wearing a "We Should All Be Feminists" T-shirt and carrying a book with Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises on it.
Q&A with economist and Cafe Hayek blogger Don Boudreaux.
Why Israel Kirzner should win the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
We vilify leisure yet embrace labor-saving devices.
What can the Austrian School of Economics teach us about the 2008 financial crisis?
Author Harry Veryser on how Austrian economics can fix Motor City.
A brilliant history shows libertarianism, even when uncredited, changing the world.
Jeffrey Rogers Hummel on Ending the Fed, Privatizing Money, and Why the Welfare State Will Fall
Instead of a central bank manipulating the price of money, a league tries to control the price of labor through collective bargaining.
Ludwig von Mises and Sanford Ikeda on the perils of interventionism
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