Biden to Meet With Video Game Representatives
Part of task force on gun control
Role of video games and movies in killings to be discussed
Will use Android operating system to play games through television
Forget politics for a minute. Here's what Reason staffers liked - and hated - in the past year.
Some are blaming video game violence for the recent Newtown shooting
Introspection, not regulation, leads to analysis of video game violence
Pretend wars are apparently scarier than real ones
Based on information given to them by the sex offenders. That sounds trustworthy
Known for wrestling and Saint's Row games
Withdrew into room, playing video games
Plan is to avoid shooting video games of Friday
Social scientists try to prevent school shootings by identifying possible perpetrators.
A fondness for a game about feudal China doesn't inspire a good media narrative
Nations who sell more video games per capita actually see less violence
Helped consult on "Medal of Honor: Warfighter" video game
At last, a politician honest about tendency to backstab people
They have something more important to do, saving the universe
There's a message beyond nostalgia for adult watchers of this video game movie.
Lawsuit also names for state economic development head
Says the company's layoffs will destroy the U.S. game industry
About 95 percent of 38 Studio's holdings sold off
With an exploit, not with swords and spells. That would have been okay.
Evidently missed a major theme of the franchise
Rhode Island Police still investigating possible violations of state law
After collapse of video game company, seeks $3.5 million for 20-room house
Say they were duped into giving up rights to profit from their own image
Can technological innovation be funded the same way as an indie film?
Is rampant addiction to porn and video games really ruining a generation of men?
Players of World of Warcraft, Diablo III, affected.
But can Ouya actually make a profit?
Kids will get the chance to learn code through puzzles and games.
52% of American adults believe that violent movies and video games lead to more violence in society.
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