Tyler Cowen's Gospel of Prosperity
The George Mason University economist and Marginal Revolution founder explains why a richer world is a better world.
How the Internet Is Now Making Us Less Free: Reason Roundup
Plus: FDA greenlights new 23andMe test, Kamala Harris gets the Onion treatment, and nobody likes Trump's new shutdown salve.
After Living Abroad, Kids Struggle With American Overparenting
In the home of the brave, a kid can't hold a pencil on the school bus.
America's Economic Health Has Improved
The U.S. rose four places in the International Tax Competitiveness Index, and this just the latest bit of good news.
Tyler Cowen's Stubborn Attachments To Freedom and Prosperity: Podcast
The prolific George Mason University economist outlines his unabashedly libertarian argument for a government that does less and individuals who do more.
After Police Detention for National Anthem Disrespect, Chinese Online Star Admits She 'Hurt Your Feelings'
Under Chinese law, disrespecting the national anthem is punishable by up to 15 days in jail.
The U.S. Economy Is More Free Than It's Been in Years
Economic freedom is good-whether in itself or because of the longevity, prosperity, and associated liberty it brings.
Debate: For Political Change, Choose Exit Not Voice
Should we try to make the existing system better-or should we try to launch a new one?
Report: New York the Least Free State in the U.S.
Where does your state rank in the Freedom in the 50 States report?
'Warlords Will Take Over' and Other Lines Libertarians Are Tired of Hearing
We asked the attendees at PorcFest 2018.
When You're Done Reading This Issue of Reason, You Might Want to Burn It
We offer how-tos, personal stories, and guides for all kinds of activities that can and do happen right at the borders of legally permissible behavior.
Fear of a Free, Prosperous Internet
Big tech businesses serve America. Should we be alarmed?
The Death of Stalin Director Armando Iannucci on Free Minds Under Soviet Rule
Under Stalin, people could be killed for carrying joke books about him. They did it anyway.
Your Right to Free Speech, Like My Right to Self-Defense, Isn't Open to Debate
Rallying to call for restrictive laws is a whole lot easier than getting people to submit to them.
There Ought Not Be a Law
The world is an imperfect place, but laws tend to make things worse, not better.
Sadly, America's Not the Freest Country in the World
The U.S. used to come in second or third in rankings, but according to the latest Human Freedom Index it's at 17.
Stossel: How Free Are You?
Where does the United States land on the 2017 Freedom Index? Not as high as you think.
Catalonians Declare Independence, But Can They Hold It?
Rights are theoretical unless you can defend them.
Most of the Lessons of 9/11 Went Unlearned
There has been a tremendous residual cost in freedom and in dollars to secure an elusive security.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
Libertarianism Isn't a 'Gateway Drug' to the Alt-Right
Those who migrate from libertarianism to the alt-right have rejected the essence of the freedom movement and its philosophy.
Individualism Increasing Across the World
The richer people become, the more eagerly they throw off the shackles of collectivism.
Voters Could Have a Chance to Repeal North Dakota's Insane Blue Laws
Chairs, mirrors, shoes, clothing, and more can't be sold before noon on Sundays. But at least you can buy a beer at 11 a.m.
5 Easy Ways to Make Virginia Better
Certain reforms can increase the store of liberty and equality at the same time-which means both gubernatorial candidates should find them worthy of support.
241 Years of Independence in America, 20 Years of Chinese Rule in Hong Kong
Economic dynamism and concomitant abundance are best served by a good dollop of freedom, which, alas, we are in the process of slowly losing.
Celebrating Individual Rights on Independence Day
At the country's founding, there were no walls to stop people from coming ashore and few rules to stop anyone from trying out new ideas.
Does Classical Liberalism Have a Chance in South Africa?
The long-ruling African National Congress is on its way to losing power, but could go with the "Zimbabwe option."
James Altucher Found Himself by Losing Everything (and You Can Too!)
Q&A with this riches-to-rags evangelist for personal reinvention.
Guns, Privacy, and Freedom Benefit From New Tech Tools
A wave of new technologies is making it easier for us all to flip the bird to regulators and prohibitionists.
Are Freer Countries Just Better?
The public thinks so, and with freer countries having higher incomes, longer lifespans and lower rates of infant mortality, why wouldn't they?
Capitalism and Neoliberalism Have Made the World Better
Cato's Johan Norberg on politics, progress, and why he remains optimistic.
"Your Papers Please" Becomes Harsh Reality for Passengers on Domestic San Francisco to New York Flight
Customs and Border Protection offer only their authority at the border as excuse for demanding papers from citizens on domestic flight in fruitless search for someone "ordered removed by an immigration judge."
Terrorism and Liberty in the Trump Era
Terrorism is only a real threat if it frightens us into destroying our liberties.
Freedom Continues Its Decade-Long Retreat Around the Globe
Populists and autocrats are the rising dual threats to liberty says new Freedom House report
No One Has a 'Right' to Any Given Private-Sector Job
Laws that force individuals into unwanted business relationships are unjust.
Skating to Freedom
A skating rink is just one example of how spontaneous order is more effective than central control for organizational purposes.
Americans Are Still Freer Than Most, But the Trend Line Are Worrying
Freedom of the press, government accountability and transparency, and economic freedom have all been trending down, while corruption is trending up.
Of Course People Should Have Access to Their Genetic Data!
I don't want to have a "conversation" with regulators; I want them to get the hell out of the way
Johan Norberg: 10 Reasons To Look Forward To the Future (New Reason Podcast)
From increased life expectancy to reduced levels of violence to greater personal freedom, things are going in the right direction.
Economic Freedom in the World Is Increasing
The United States ranks 16th in the world on economic freedom index
September 11: Remembering Lives and Liberties Lost 15 Years Ago
Fifteen years later, we really do have "nothing to fear but fear itself"
Creativity Triumphs Over the Law, Again and Again
When humans focus their innovative talents on the task of defeating control freaks' pronouncements, freedom wins.
Welcome to Libertopia
Inside PorcFest, the country's largest libertarian and anarchist gathering