U.S. Surveillance Tailored To Snoop on Innocent People, Not Terrorists
It's focused on social media and commonly used services
It's focused on social media and commonly used services
We may have more to fear from spies acting out of patriotic zeal than those acting out of power lust or economic interest.
Said the NSA whistleblower broke laws
Hong Kong and the U.S signed an extradition treaty in 1998.
One more thing for the Republicans and Democrats to agree on
Q&A with Mark Rumold on Obama admin's flouting of Fourth Amendment.
It's not your fault, Steve
Surprising, no. Horrifying, yes.
It's not a one-way operation
If you see something, say something ... or else.
It led to a long court battle between McDonald's and two activists.
Olafur Vignir Sigurvinsson has connections to wikileaks
Said "I couldn't stay if the administration was going to engage in conduct that the Department of Justice had said had no legal basis"
On mission to reassure Americans about recent surveillance revelations
Based on allegation it didn't do its job right
Secret court judges not serving as the check on power, it doesn't appear
Wants to be able to disclose more about the procedures
Rubber stamps aren't safeguards
An FBI administrator accidentally spilled the beans
Political offenses are excepted from extradition treaties
Including a plan to detonate a bomb on Wall Street
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