Libel Lawsuit Over Allegedly Forged Police Report Finding Plaintiff Had Assaulted His Girlfriend
"After Murray relocated to another state, he contacted the Oceanside Police Department. He then learned the police report he received from Eva-Zacchara had been altered to support her version of events. The real police report concluded 'no assault could be substantiated.'"
Court Allows Discovery of Funding Sources for Nunes Family Farms' Libel Lawsuit
against Esquire and Ryan Lizza.
Gen. Michael Flynn's Brother v. CNN Libel Lawsuit Over Allegations of Being a "QAnon Follower"
A Magistrate Judge has just issued a Report and Recommendation recommending that the case be dismissed, on the grounds that the allegations were substantially true.
Nigerian Separatist Group Sues Wash. Times, U. of Baltimore, Professor for Libel
The lawsuit is brought by the group Indigenous People of Biafra, which has been labeled a terrorist group by the Nigerian government.
$400K Libel Judgment in Lawsuit Over Statements During Election Campaign
Such libel cases aren't easy to win, but sometimes they can indeed be won.
Radically Incomplete Reports of Legal Proceedings as Libels
A new short article of mine, calved off my duty-to-take-down-libels article; I'd love to hear feedback, especially suggestions for a clearer title.
Court Orders #MeToo Plaintiff Not to Mention Defendant's Name in Public
The unusually named case is Doe v. Anonymous #1, now pending in Brooklyn state trial court.
Ohio Court Refused to Block Stephanie Grisham from Repeating Allegations Against Congressional Candidate, Ex-Trump Staffer Max Miller
Miller had asked the court to issue a temporary restraining order; no, said Judge Emily Hagan (Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas).
Draft of Proposed Amicus Brief in Anti-Libel Injunction / Society for Creative Anachronism Case
Should I file it in a Gothic font?
Libel in the Society for Creative Anachronism
An interesting example of libel that harms reputation within a social community, rather than professional or business reputation.
Allegations in Complaint Against Real Estate Agent Broadly Protected Against Libel Liability
So holds the Nevada Supreme Court, applying Nevada law.
Don Blankenship's Libel Lawsuit Against Donald Trump, Jr. Can Go Forward
Blankenship had been convicted of a misdemeanor related to a deadly disaster at a mine his company owned; Trump, Jr. had erroneously labeled him a "felon"; a judge concluded that there's enough evidence that Trump, Jr. knew the statement was false, or at least likely false.
Anonymity of Libel Helps Justify Punitive Damages
"[M]ost revealing of actual knowledge of falsity is the vehicle chosen by Riccio to spread the falsehoods—the anonymous letter."
One America Network's Libel Lawsuit Against Rachel Maddow Rejected by Ninth Circuit
Maddow had said OAN "really literally is paid Russian propaganda," in reaction to a Daily Beast story that an OAN employee had also been freelancing for Sputnik News.
Rep. Devin Nunes' Libel Lawsuit Against the Washington Post Can Proceed
"A reasonable juror could ... conclude that the article was materially false because it stated that Nunes had made ... a baseless claim (when he had not)."
Judge Strikes All of Michael Mann's Expert Witnesses from Libel Suit
A week after granting summary judgment for another defendant (CEI), the judge rejects all but one of the proffered experts.
DC Court Grants Summary Judgment for CEI In Michael Mann Defamation Suit
Another significant loss for the controversial climate scientist, though his cases against two remaining defendants will continue.
Motion to Dismiss in Marc Rotenberg v. Politico LLC
“For diversity jurisdiction to exist, no plaintiff may share state citizenship with any defendant," and "[u]nincorporated associations, including LLCs, have the citizenship of each of their members."
Jerome Corsi & Larry Klayman Seem on Track to Losing Libel/Trademark Lawsuit Against Infowars and Alex Jones
Defendants had said Klayman "'could be the single worst lawyer in America,' has 'never actually won a courtroom victory in his life,' and is an 'idiot' and an 'egomaniac,'" and that "Corsi he seemed to mentally be extremely degraded to the point of what I would call dementia."
Dogs and Cats, Elections, and Prior Restraints
A Tennessee trial court "enjoined the parties [including a recent candidate for elected office] from making any public comments about each other and from making any 'negative or disrespectful comments' about each other to third parties."
Police Officer's Libel Lawsuit Over Netflix's Making a Murderer Can Go Forward,
at least through discovery and until the motion for summary judgment; Netflix’s motion to dismiss has been denied.
Avenatti v. Fox News Goes Full-On Civ Pro
Remember, the lawyer’s true superpower is to turn every question into a question about procedure.
Is It Libelous to Falsely Say Someone Is Working with the Police?
Special bonus connections: disbarred lawyers, Tupac Shakur, New York City political figures, and then-not-yet-Attorney-General Michael Mukasey.
Alan Dershowitz's Libel Lawsuit Against CNN Can Go Forward
The lawsuit stemmed from CNN's coverage of Dershowitz's argument in the first Trump impeachment trial.
Does Libel Dispute About Whether "TheDemonatrix" Comics Are "Lolicon" Belong in Federal Court?
(Lolicon is "A Japanese term derived from the English phrase 'Lolita complex,' lolicon describes a fascination with cartoons of very young-looking girls engaged in varying degrees of erotic behavior.")
Texas Lawyers Can Be Sued for Libel for Press Releases About Complaints,
even if the press release accurately summarizes the Complaint; the rule is different in some states, such as California.
Court Affirms >$10M Libel Verdict Against Disgruntled Ex-Employee-Turned-Competitor
The defendant had been barred from presenting his defense, as a sanction for his persistent violation of court orders, including one that he had expressly consented to.
Risky Pleading in Sex-Related Libel Cases
If plaintiff broadly claims that defendant libeled her by "imputing unchastity," she risks having to disclose a lot about her sexual history.