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Supreme Court Dismisses ADA Tester Standing Suit as Moot
The Supreme Court's first decision of the term does not decide very much.
Today the U.S. Supreme Court issued its first decision in an argued case this term: Acheson Hotels v. Laufer. In an opinion by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the justices concluded that the case had become moot due to the plaintiff's decision to voluntarily dismiss her suits. Accordingly, the Court vacated the judgment below and remanded the case back to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit with instructions to dismiss the case as moot. The Court was unanimous, but Justices Thomas and Jackson each wrote separately concurring in the judgment.
Acheson Hotels had the potential to be a significant standing case. Here's how Justice Barrett described the case at the outset of her opinion.
Deborah Laufer has sued hundreds of hotels whose websites failed to state whether they have rooms accessible to the disabled. As the sheer number of lawsuits suggests, she does not focus her efforts on hotels where she has any thought of staying, much less booking a room. Instead, Laufer systematically searches the web to find hotels that fail to provide accessibility information and sues to force compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 104 Stat. 327, 42 U. S. C. §12101 et seq. Ordinarily, the hotels settle her claims and pay her attorney's fees. But some have resisted, arguing that Laufer is not injured by the absence of information about rooms she has no plans to reserve. Only plaintiffs who allege a concrete injury have standing to sue in federal court. Laufer, these hotels have argued, is suing to enforce the law rather than to remedy her own harms.
Laufer was a serial suit filer. Indeed, as Justice Barrett noted, Laufer "singlehandedly generated a circuit split" on whether she satisfied the requirements for standing.
The case became moot after Laufer voluntarily dismissed her pending claims after her lawyer, Tristan Gilespie, was sanctioned by a federal court for alleged unethical conduct in his handling of these cases.
Although the Court could have proceeded to resolve the standing question presented in the case -- standing, like mootness, is jurisdictional -- a majority of the Court concluded dismissing the case on mootness grounds was the more prudent course. While Acheson Hotels raised the prospect that dismissing the case could invite strategic behavior, the Court gave Laufer the benefit of the doubt, while cautioning it might not exercise its discretion in the same way in a future case. It also vacated the judgment below, erasing Acheson Hotel's loss below.
Justice Thomas concurred in the judgment, arguing that the Court should have instead dismissed the case on standing grounds. As he summarized at the close of his separate opinion:
Standing ensures that courts decide disputes over violations of a person's rights, not a defendant's compliance with the law in the abstract. Because Laufer has not asserted a violation of a right owed to her, she has no standing to bring her Reservation Rule claims. The Court should not have avoided reaching that conclusion due to Laufer's eleventh hour tactics. I respectfully concur in the judgment because I would vacate and remand, with instructions to dismiss for lack of standing.
Justice Jackson also concurred in the judgment, but on different grounds. She agreed with the majority that the case should be dismissed as moot, but suggested the Court was wrong to vacate the decision below. While acknowledging that the Courts disposition was "consistent" with the Court's "established practice" of vacating the decision below when a case becomes moot due to the unilateral action of the party that prevailed below, she expressed her disagreement with the practice. Contrary to the presumption underlying the Court's approach to vacatur under United States v. Munsingwear, Justice Jackson noted that, in her view, "there is nothing inherently inequitable about not being able to pursue an appeal." Thus, Justice Jackson explained, she "would ordinarily not agree to the imposition of the vacatur remedy that was not fully discussed, much less established."
The Court's disposition in Acheson Hotel leaves open some significant questions of standing law. In recent years the Court has adopted a more restrictive approach to standing, most notably in TransUnion v. Ramirez, but there is no unanimity among the Court's conservative justices about how far to go on cutting back the scope of Article III standing, or on the theoretical basis for limiting judicial review. Addressing such questions, and related concerns about whether states should receive special solicitude under Article III, will be left to future cases.
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I think it was right to dismiss on mootness grounds, but at some point SCOTUS needs to drop the hammer on professional plaintiffs like this. The rule should be that the plaintiff has to have an actual plan to utilize the services of the defendant. And if a plaintiff has serially sued different defendants over the same issue in the past, the strong presumption should be that they're just settlement-shopping. These parasites are more than a nuisance, they're an existential threat to small businesses and raise the prices for the rest of us.
Yeah, and what about all those ADF lawsuits? Same reasoning?
Which ADF lawsuit are you referring to? The ones I am aware of (e.g, Masterpiece Cakeshop), ADF represented clients who clearly asserted a violation of a right owed them .
Wasn’t there one ADF client whose ostensible customer was as imaginary as the fairy tale that precipitated her bigotry?
I think you’re understating the case. Not only was the customer imaginary, but so was her entire business. In order to claim oppression, she first said she was branching out into a new commercial field (she wasn’t) and then invented a client (who didn’t exist).
Unless you are imagining both a high level of sophistication and a high level of naivete at the same time, she obviously did not invent the client.
Well, yeah, she did. The case before SCOUS referenced a client who desired a website for his (horrors) gay wedding. A website service request from him listing his phone number and email address was included in the 2017 court documents.
So there was a real person, I’ll grant you that. However he wasn’t gay, never had any contact with the website designer, and never requested services from her for his (imaginary) gay wedding. He was kinda perplexed about ending up in a Supreme Court case - however tangentially.
Of course this (imaginary) service request was supposedly because the website designer was branching-off into wedding work. This also proved imaginary, as there is no evidence she ever pursued that field before, during, or since.
On the plus side, the website designer seems to be an actual living breathing person with her own name & everything, so there’s that….
I know what you were referring to. Assuming for the sake of argument that this guy is straight and didn't contact 303 Creative — something based solely on his statement to a reporter — there is no evidence that Lorie Smith did so in his name. All that would mean is someone fabricated the email from him. If Lorie Smith were trying to bolster her case (unnecessarily, since it didn't turn on this request) by creating a fake request, why would she use the name and contact info of a real person who wasn't gay, rather than inventing an imaginary, unverifiable person?
David Nieporent : “Why would she use the name and contact info of a real person who wasn’t gay, rather than inventing an imaginary, unverifiable person?”
A puzzler, I agree. But in terms of implausibility, it pales in comparison to a non-gay person contacting a web designer for gay wedding services given she never offered wdding services at any point anytime ever. Not before the case. Not during the case. Not after the case.
So, yeah, there was a fabrication on the Lorie Smith side, either by herself or her lawyers (of course the honesty of lawyers – all lawyers – is unassailable). As to how she/they filled in the blank, who knows? The workings of the criminal mind are a mystery to me….
No, Meat.
That would be you lying.
Are you being deliberately obtuse?
There's the one with the doctors who are claiming harm because they might have to treat patients who received medication abortion pills from other doctors. There's the one with the web designer who was never asked to design web sites for same-sex marriages, was maybe never even interested in getting into the business, and was never under threat of punishment for refusing to do so. Then there's the ones for teen girls and women who don't want to compete against trans athletes.
ADF is actively seeking plaintiffs who haven't been concretely harmed, and can only make speculative claims that they might be. They're every bit the "professional plaintiff" as the person described OP seems to be.
First Amendment claims sometimes work differently than other claims. "Chilling effect" cases have been around for over 70 years: people who are not yet prosecuted can request relief from the law because it is not clear (either vagueness or over breath) what will trigger prosecution.
And in the web designer case, the state indicated and stipulated to their willingness to punish her.
Facial challenges aren't an end-run around standing. It's just a more capacious theory of harm.
In any event, not one relevant to any of the examples I've cited.
I'm not comfortable with your conclusion that they're evil parasites but we should let her off the hook anyway. This problem is a huge drain on on social capital.
I believe the fix is a working "loser pays" system - and dismissing your case counts as losing. Make parasites like this put some of their own money on the line and watch how fast they disappear.
Rossami, there is nothing the Supreme Court ought to prioritize ahead of support for businesses which flout disability laws, right?
Do you number yourself among the legion who think folks born with congenital disabilities are lesser humans? Do you suppose the disabled ought deservedly to suffer to enable others to earn more money, or pay less taxes? Or are you merely convinced that the free market works best when it kicks some folks to the curb to get them out of the way?
I have a suggestion for you. Compare two public prices. On the one hand, the price to require ADA accommodations by businesses, with those business costs reflected in the prices of goods and services for everyone. Or on the other hand, the cost of a policy to tax everyone alike to pay each disabled person a stipend sufficient to pay at pleasure for needful goods or convenient services they cannot otherwise get, from an economy which does not feature disability accommodations.
Don’t like those choices? Maybe you really are a, “Kick them to the curb,” advocate.
The choice you propose is a false dichotomy: a straw man versus a position that is compatible with Rossami's suggestion.
I will partially agree with Stephen Lathrop here, but only partially.
I will begin by noting that none of the folks insisting on strict standing when it comes to laws like the ADA ever described the folks taking advantage of Texas’ private-attornies-general abortion law using words like “parasites” of the sort being used here.
But from the point of view of the rules of standing, fundamental judicial fairness requires that standing not depend on whether one agrees with the law or whether one supports or opposes the folks eager to enforce/take advantage of it. Standing with respect to actions filed in federal court should be the same whichever law is involved and whatever one thinks of it.
I don’t think judges should describe the plaintiffs involved in these cases as either heros or parasites. They should neutrally apply the rules of standing.
That said, I agree that standing for private parties requires some sort of personal stake in the outcome that’s more than just disagreeing with what the other party is doing or noticing it is doing something illegal, so this high-volume plaintiff should lose if the case had not been moot.
I understand this goes against cases like Havens Reality. I think existing caselaw likely permits this kind of standing. But I think Havens Realty was wrongly decided. Advocacy groups in discrimination cases and the like need to find someone actually interested in obtaining rhe property, services, or employment they are allegedly being illegally barred from, and who can prove they have a real interest.
It shouldn’t be that hard to do.
It stems, not from what one thinks about the people or laws involved, but from the basic purposes and principles of Article III standing.
If you didn't see equal-opportunity complaints about the Texas’ private-attorneys-general abortion law, you weren't looking very hard. I saw plenty of them (and made some of them).
ReaderY, note that I did not criticize the Court, or its handling of standing.
I criticized attacks on someone who in fact may be disabled, and have a genuine interest to open to the disabled access opportunities which are already lawfully required, but widely flouted. If that person is what you call, “this high-volume plaintiff,” I have news for you about that. Where the ADA is concerned, there is high-volume abuse to be a plaintiff about.
In this instance, the more high-volume plaintiffs get into court, the better the law will work, and the more relief it will provide to the public purse. Compared to the alternative of massive outlays directed to disabled individuals as a matter of right, it certainly costs less to distribute costs to aid the disabled via free-market-based choices which customers undertake voluntarily.
Beyond that, SCOTUS has an unfortunate record of policy interference with the ADA, especially with regard to special education. That happened amidst a storm of public attacks on the disabled remarkably similar to the commentary I criticized above. Many disabled children suffered permanent loss of critical educational opportunities as a result.
The fact is that majoritarian pressures will always disadvantage people with medically-related disabilities, and mobilize insistence that they should be subject to neglect and loss of civil rights. After all, if one child is more expensive to educate than another, why not maximize budget efficiency by reserving the entire budge for the easier cases?
ADA-mandated public access issues should not be put at risk by similarly motivated reasoning. The demands above are not that SCOTUS ought to side with virtuous business owners, and protect them from law-skirting opportunists. The demands are that SCOTUS ought to side with scoff-laws, at the cost of disadvantaging disabled people, and depriving them of protections legally mandated for them.
See, that is what it looks like to criticize SCOTUS.
Lathrop doesn't understand the issues here. The ADA litigation industry at issue here has nothing to do with the disabled or access for them. This is about a few scam artists (lawyers and clients) extorting money from businesses en masse because the laws provide for one-way fee shifting and it's prohibitively expensive to actually fight the cases. Nobody benefits from them other than lawyers and the professional plaintiffs.
(Also, the ADA doesn't apply to special education per se; IDEA does.)
Lathrop also doesn't understand the word "voluntarily"; he has the same problem in the first amendment context. Someone doing something because the government imposes massive liability if one doesn't is the opposite of "voluntarily."
Nieporent, what are you thinking? Business customers don't get ADA liability imposed on them. Business operators do. The customers are the ones at liberty to choose. I think you just enjoy being contrary. I know you understand that an operator's requirement to obey a law is not, "voluntary," and isn't meant to be.
As for IDEA, see my previous reply to Rossami right below.
I don't see why the rest of society should suffer because of a small number of people with disabilities. If a store has to build an expensive ramp, what you're basically saying is that the 99% of people without disabilities should pay higher prices so that the 1% who do can have access.
In the past, when we were a better country, the response to this was "Life isn't fair, if you can't use a business, that's just too damn bad."
Trying to make tings "fair" has ruined our competitiveness and freedom.
Stephen once again ignores the actual topic of discussion in favor of an irrelevant rant.
A functioning "loser pays" system works both ways. If your suit is meritorious, you win and the other guy pays. If your suit (or defense) is frivolous, it doesn't matter what demographic you come from, it's still frivolous and you've wasted not just your own time but a lot of other people's money.
Rosssami, an ironic insistence, given that decades ago, in a case about lawyers' fees under the IDEA Act, SCOTUS decided that a requirement that prevailing parents recover legal fees in special education cases was too onerous. There was a plain requirement in the law that losing school districts pay those fees. SCOTUS ruled that could be adequately addressed if at the very moment before a judge imposed a loss on the school system, it agreed to settle with the parents—thus sticking them with their legal bills.
Thereafter, plaintiff's lawyers had to explain that in advance to would-be clients; that assured that less-prosperous parents of many disabled children whose educations were being neglected never filed any lawsuits at all.
Suppose Congress had used its commerce power to pass a simple federal building code not labeled as a discrimination law. In some ways, that’s what this part of the ADA functionally does. It’s just a building code geared towards certain social purposes rather than classic safety purposes. But local building codes sometimes do that, too. The law happens to benefit a specific class of people rather than anyone. But building codes do that, too.
Could a user of buildings sue any property owner whose building is out of compliance with the code without regard for whether that person has any intention of entering or using the specific building involved?
To narrow the class of people, suppose the federal government issued a building code for (say) factories. Could any factory worker sue the owners of any factory, whether or not the factory worker has any connection to or intention to have any connection to that factory? After all, its not the general public, it’s only a specific class of people that would be benefitting. Is that enough to convey Article III standing to any member of the class?
As I see it, in the absence of any actual act of discrimination that actually causes the plaintiff concrete harm, the plaintiff here is simply attempting to privately enforce a glorified building code, one that happens to be described in inflammatory language. I don’t see that mere rhetorical language - merely saying that failing to conform to the building code “discriminates” against the class the building code benefits - makes what’s fundamentally involved here any different from any other ordinary building code from a standing point of view.
I’m not saying enforcing building codes is a bad thing or that people who attempt to enforce them privately are in any way parasites. People die in disasters every year because building codes went unenforced. I just don’t see that Arricle III confers standing to enforce them privately in federal court in the absence of any connection to the building involved and any tangible harm to the plaintiff resulting from the mere existence of a nonconforming building.
I think the situation is similar to a person who is morally horrified by abortions but has no connection of any kind to those involved. Why not make “people horrified by abortion” a special protected class? Why not simply label abortion as discrimination against them? Congress can, after all, create whatever protected classes it wants as long as it has a rational bassi for doing so. If all that’s needed to get standing is being a member of the specific protected class rather than the general public, or for Congress to use the magic word “discrimination,” why wouldn’t that work?
"The rule should be that the plaintiff has to have an actual plan to utilize the services of the defendant."
Would that be the 'really cool rule' of denying plaintiff's claims based on alleged statutory violations you disagree with or outright dismiss?
I am hesitant to agree. I find the practice personally distasteful, and yet, they serve a purpose like termites. This is presupposing
1) the laws are needed or
2) the laws are fixed after this 'unexpected' consequence is made known.
That is, they are a signal that something needs to improve.
As we see with QI and asset forfeiture, though, simply knowing it a bad system and abused by people isn't enough.
I am not in theory opposed to a loser pays system but I would make it case by case, and require a showing that the losing party should have known it was a losing case at the time it was filed. That gets rid of professional plaintiffs like the one here. But it doesn't unjustly punish people with non-frivolous cases who simply weren't able to get a jury to see it their way.
I once dismissed what would have been a good case except that my star witness died a month before trial. Technically we were the losers but I think requiring us to pay the other side's attorney's fees would not have been a just result.
Your points are well made. In the case of the OP it seems that the plaintiff only searches websites. That does not show serious intent to use the service or a good faith inquiry as to where ADA compliant rooms are available. Absent such evidence (or at least claim) of serious intent, a claim of actual injury is dishonest. A website does not say how many ADA rooms are on site or whether one is available for the period of the desired stay. With no evidence of injury, the loser should pay.
This plaintiff is a parasite not a champion of the disabled regardless of SL's diatribe.
How do you distinguish those Texas abortion plaintiffs?
Because Jesus?
Or “just because,” the favorite argument of people relying on superstition?
Oh, I think the Texas abortion plaintiffs are parasites too, and I see no real moral distinction between them and the plaintiff here. Being a moral busybody should not be sufficient to create standing, even if the legislature agrees with you.
And I think the solution in both cases is to require standing based on genuine personal harm, which exists in neither set of cases.
Here again I agree with K_2.
There is a clear moral distinction: one is a set of ideologues, and the other is a set of economic extortionists. (I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide which is worse, morally.)
I disagree. Ideology vs. economic extortion may show that they have different motives for doing immoral things, but the point is that they are both doing immoral things, even if for different reasons.
In theory, I understand and empathize with your concern, Krycheck. I fear, however, that the discretionary system you describe is no different than the discretionary-in-theory-but-highly-deferential-in-practice system we already have.
Yes, there would be some unintended consequences of a bright-line loser-pays rule. I still believe the bright-line rule is the better choice because I believe those adverse consequences would be significantly less than in our current system. As part of my reasoning for that belief, I look at pretty much every other jurisdiction in the world that has a loser-pays system and see comparatively few examples of the problems you describe.
We already have that system. It's ineffective and not a deterrent.
It does not. First, Laufer's cases aren't "losing cases." (Unless of course the Court rules that she lacks standing. But even if it did, the vast majority of professional ADA cases operate under a slightly different framework in which you'll never get such a ruling.) Second, even if they were, it doesn't make economic sense for her victims to let the cases get that far.
I've never understood this bizarre solicitude for plaintiffs. Loser pays isn't unjust or punishment or unjust punishment. It's merely compensation to the defendant.
Why should the defendant, who prevailed, be stuck with legal fees when it was able to get a jury to see it its way?
The current system is largely ineffective because people defending against frivolous cases seldom make good use of the resources they have. I am familiar with a sovereign citizen case in which the plaintiff has literally been suing the bank, and the judges who previously ruled against her, for the last 12 years, up to and including filing a fraudulent petition to confirm a fraudulent arbitration award entered by a fraudulent arbitration association. In 12 years, nobody has moved to have her declared a vexatious litigant or sought sanctions, even though she clearly qualifies. They just keep responding to her most recent filing. The Bible says, “you have not because you ask not.”
As far as the “bizarre solicitude” for losing plaintiffs, it’s because access to the courts is a fundamental right that shouldn’t be chilled, similar to free speech. As with other rights, innocent people sometimes suffer. If a criminal is released because the police violated his Fifth Amendment rights, and he then goes on to victimize someone else, we don’t repeal the Fifth Amendment for that reason. Who said life is fair?
But also as with other rights, it’s not absolute, which is why I’m not in theory opposed to some form of loser pays.
You're getting cause and effect confused. Defendants don't file vexatious litigator motions because past experience has shown that they are virtually certain to lose. Even in extreme cases like the one you describe above, courts have refused to apply the sanctions.
So long as courts have such wide discretion, the problem will remain. Loser pays needs to be more than a blue-moon event* before it will drive change.
* Interesting footnote: Actual blue moons are not blue-moon events (that is, very rare events). Actual blue moons are the "extra" full moon that occurs once in every 32 or so.
Your question appears almost entirely unrelated to the sentence you quoted. For example, no one else wrote “really cool rule”, so it’s not clear why you put it in quotes, and the “really cool rule” you propose has no resemblance to what you quoted.
[Meant as a reply to BrotherMovesOn.]
Ugh. Terrible result. I imagine that something happened in chambers about the scope or narrowness of the decision that compelled this. I am in the relatively rare position of agreeing with Justice Thomas.
Background- this case was fully briefed. There were no additional facts, and no additional information, that could be added to decide the case. SCOTUS could decide the standing issue; this was discretionary in terms of dismissing for mootness. And it would resolve a circuit split. So not deciding it (even with hints) is a waste of judicial and litigant resources.
Next, it is possible to be both a fan of the ADA, as well as an opponent of these types of "tester" lawsuits. In my experience, these types of lawsuits are incredibly common against small businesses and while the law itself doesn't allow the plaintiff to recover, the financial incentives are such that ... well, you have to be an idiot or an ADA plaintiff's attorney to say that the vast majority of these cases don't have some pecuniary shenanigans going on behind the scenes.
As a general matter, most businesses hit with this type of nuisance litigation aren't even aware of some minor change in the guidance around the ADA that would have compelled them to do something; a bed & breakfast that is just over the threshhold for room that doesn't have a pool life (that was the hotness a few years back) or the new website rules. I've never met a small business owner who wasn't happy to comply, even when the rules seemed strange (most of them have family members who have benefitted from the ADA). But they all are angry at this- because they know it's just extortion, and they often get hit with these suits even when they are in compliance (and the cost of defending is greater than the cost of the payout). Moreover, these individuals never even came to the place. It's crazy-making.
There's a lot that could be done to make the law better while still being effective. For example, for many provisions the ADA could have a "notice and cure" provision which would require a prospective plaintiff to provide notice of a violation and an opportunity to cure prior to a lawsuit. But at a minimum, the Court should have clarified that these particular types of lawsuits aren't permissible due to Article III.
I agree with you on all counts. The ruling was highly unsatisfactory.
I would be all in favor of a notice and cure requirement for these. If the point is to ensure compliance, then the focus should be on getting the business to make the change, not on a payday for the person who happened to point it out.
I don't disagree too strongly with you. The argument on the other side, though, is that this has been the law for 30 years and if you're going to open a business you have a duty to ensure that you're complying with whatever laws apply to your business. What other laws should we also first give an opportunity to cure?
Let’s start with a basic fallacy. You say that this has been the law for 30 years. Sure.
There are constant new interpretations of the law that are being promulgated. So one year, out of the blue, the “law” changes and suddenly hotels are required to install pool lifts (or sloped entry). Another year, and websites must list the specific amenities of the ADA-accessible rooms in detail.
Which isn't a problem for the large players, because they have attorneys and lobbyists that keep them attuned to these changes. But small businesses? They don't. They aren't aware that something that was completely compliant for the last thirty years is suddenly going to cost them 10k, 20k, or more. Not to fix- that's just the payoff.
Or you are a condo association. A lot of your people are renting out their condos through AirBnB. The association creates a master list of who is renting out, and when, in order to make sure that there is someone to complain to if there is an issue. Suddenly, the condo association is subject to an ADA lawsuit.
I could keep going on, but I am guessing you have no actual experience with the issue. This isn’t about fixing issues- which people will do with any actual issues of non-compliance. This is about generating money – often in completely unethical ways that are shielded by unethical attorneys abusing confidentiality.
"This isn’t about fixing issues- which people will do with any actual issues of non-compliance."
You keep saying stuff like this. It makes you entirely incredible. You clearly have not dealt with small business owners to any significant extent.
Huh. I guess actual experience dealing with small business owners and lawsuits in this area must take a backseat to your clear and obvious internet expertise in saying, "Nope."
I have represented hundreds and hundreds of businesses in online ADA litigation — primarily small businesses — and not a single one hit with one of these suits has ever said, "Fuck the disabled. I don't want my business's website to be accessible." (If they had said so, I would of course be bound by a/c privilege not to admit it. But they haven't.) The most common responses:
(1) I didn't know that the law required websites to be accessible. I'm not a tech person; I just hired some web design company to create a site for me.
(2) I didn't know that my website wasn't accessible. I don't know who this plaintiff is; neither he nor anyone else ever contacted me and told me they were having problems. I'd have been happy to assist them with their purchase — and fix any problems they were having — if they had just reached out.
(3) It costs how much to make the website accessible and keep it that way? I don't even make that much from my website. I'm going to have to shut it down.
(4) My website is accessible; this person's a liar, and I want to go to trial and prove it. Wait, how much would that cost me?
Yep. That's pretty much the exact reaction.
The least fun conversations are the ones when the person is all like, "I know the tester is lying, and I want my day in court! I am outraged!" And then you explain just what is going to happen.
We did have a business owner that fought one of those, and won. Because of the principle. And you know what? They said, after it was all over, that they wish they hadn't.
(For those of you who aren't familiar, the ADA is a 'heads they win, tails you lose' scheme. If they win, the defendant pays the plaintiff's attorneys and their own attorneys. If the defendant wins, the defendant just pays their own attorneys. While there are exceptions to this, the exceptions exist more in theory than in practice.)
And also for those of you who aren't familiar, the extortionist plaintiffs don't demand huge sums of money. If they did, it would make sense to fight them. Instead, they demand amounts to settle that are cheaper than litigating. E.g., "Pay me $15,000 to go away." As a purely one-off business decision, the defendant saves money by paying that amount.
I'm oversimplifying a bit, but the essence is right.
This is not an area of the law that I practice in, so this may be a silly question, but since hotels have a trade organization, why has the hotel's trade organization never sued these professional plaintiffs and their attorneys for being an extortion racket?
There was a very famous case not so long ago involving copyright trolls (google "Prenda copyright troll") in which that's basically what happened, only in the context of copyright trolling rather than hotel ADA litigation. The lawyers involved ended up disbarred and their clients ended up with judgments against them. Is there some reason the hotel industry hasn't taken similar action here? Maybe being named as a defendant rather than a plaintiff would do wonders to shut down this woman's litigation machine.
Prenda was not resolved by a trade organization - it was one defendant who got fed up (and maybe a couple others who joined in to share the costs). All the rest of Prenda's potential victims got a free ride off the work and expense of the defendant(s) who fought. And yes, Prenda was a victory for people who actually care about the law - but sadly, it was news because the victory was so rare. As the saying goes, man bites dog is a story but dog bites man is not.
To your first question, the trade can't sue because the trade doesn't have standing. The trade might play a role in organizing a group of defendants who've all been sued by the same scammer but the scammers insulate themselves from that by including confidentiality clauses in their settlement releases. So even after you pay off the extortion, you can't tell anyone about it.
Sure a trade organization would have standing. It sues on behalf of its members, who have either been sued or are at risk of suit, and names them pseudonymously if need be.
And you’re right that Prenda did not involve a trade organization but the point is that abusive litigators can in fact be sued.
Well, when informed 'your website needs to say whether you have accessible rooms', a business can say either 'Oh, wow, didn't know, will fix promptly' or 'tough noogies, see you in court'.
If they choose the first response, that's a more efficient fix than paying federal courts to get the same response. If they choose the second response, then you aren't any worse off than if you just go straight to court w/o giving them a chance to fix.
I'm pretty sure the regulations in this case, having to do with web sites, haven't been in force for 30 years :-).
(as an aside, I just went and looked at some of the web accessibility regulations, and I haven't a clue what most of them mean)
Note that this line of cases isn’t about web accessibility per se; this case alleges that the website doesn’t contain required information about the accessibility of the physical premises. There are regulations about that.
There are no actual binding regulations about web design for public accommodations (though there are for government websites under the Rehabilitation Act). Which makes it even more frustrating for businesses. If you have a store, you can use DOJ regulations as a checklist for what features the store must have in order to be ADA complaint — wheelchair ramp slopes, door widths, counter heights, lighting, elevators, signage, etc. If you comply with those, you’re good. But with websites, the DOJ — despite begging — has simply refused to issue similar regulations. So as a defendant, you can't point to a set of bullet points and say, "I've done each of these, so I know I haven't violated the law."
Further Comment- I generally like Justice Jackson, and what she brings to the Court, but I was baffled by her choice to take on Munsingwear.
I have trouble believing that it was just for this case, so I am wondering if it's something she is planting for the future. Even so ... kinda sorta weird.
From a strategy (not a legal) point of view it would make sense. With lower courts currently more liberal (on average) than the Supreme Court, the typical Supreme Court case will involve reconsidering (and more often than not reversing) a more liberal lower court decision. So a rule that leaves the lower court decision intact if the Supreme Court a agrees to review a case and then dismisses it for mootness would, on average, keep the state of the law more liberal than the Munsingwear rule that vacates the lower court opinion.
I mean, that's certainly a thought. But then again ... the 5th Circuit? At the rate it's going, it's probably going to need its own docket with SCOTUS.
Clearly, there's a reason for this, but it escapes me.