War on Terror
5 Alarming Things We Should Have Already Known About the NSA, Surveillance, and Privacy Before Ed Snowden
A few reminders about the general state of surveillance and privacy in the U.S.A.
NSA Director Says Surveillance Program Has Thwarted 50 Terror Plots
At least 10 targeting the United States
Prism Just Small Part of Much Larger Data Surveillance Effort
Yes, the government is snatching data directly from the Internet's backbone
Do the Zazi and Headley Arrests Prove the Power of NSA Total Surveillance?
Sorry, Sen. Feinstein and Rep. Rogers, it's not even close.
NSA Anti-Surveillance Suggestion: "Operation Everyone Talk Like a Terrorist All the Time"
Comedian Trevor Moore has an idea on how to thwart massive surveillance by the NSA
We're Only Spying on Ourselves
How Obama learned to stop worrying and love unaccountable surveillance
Supreme Court Rejects Torture Lawsuit Against Rumsfeld
Leaves intact ruling that the former defense secretary can't be held liable
The Real Problem With the NSA's Indiscriminate Spying
Innocent people should not be punished in the pursuit of the guilty.
Obama's Failures in Afghanistan
The Obama Administration has continuously deceived us about how bad the war in Afghanistan is going.
Reinforcements Being Sent to Guantanamo; Prison Staff to Reach 2,000
Hunger strike continues
The United States Doesn't Even Know Who It Droned in Pakistan
New leaks of classified data show strikes based on "behavior," not identity
Reports: CIA Often Didn't Even Know Who Drones Were Killing in Pakistan
Targets picked due to "behavior" and associates, not identity
Fort Hood Shooter's Defense: I Was Defending Taliban From Imminent Danger
Feds had at one point classified incident as "workplace violence"
Obama's Cloak of Invisibility
How secrecy frustrates challenges to counterterrorism tactics
Obama's Willful Foreign-Policy Blindness
There is a vast chasm between "saying" and "doing" in the Obama administration.
State Department Accuses Iran of Increased Support for Terrorism
Latest terrorism report says Al-Qaeda still on the run
NDAA 2014 Amendment Would Require Obama to Review All Goups Identified As "Associated Forces"
Prediction: President will sign NDAA no matter what's in it, later bemoan having to have signed it, even though no one's forcing him to
Pakistan Taliban Withdraw from Peace Talks over Drone Strike
American attack killed deputy leader
Government Violates Rights in Name of Fighting Terrorism
The Brandon Raub case highlights disturbing government behavior
Obama Debates the War on Terror With Himself
The president criticizes his own abuses of executive power.
Obama's Orwellian Doublespeak on the Drone Program
The president claims to be troubled by his signature program on the war on terror
Guantanamo Pushback
How principled men and women in the military justice system resisted encroachments on civil liberties
Obama's Actions Contradict Claim of Interest in Capturing Terrorism Suspects
His record is heavy on death from the sky
Two More Arrests in Attack on British Soldier
Killing was said to be in retaliation for wars in Muslim countries