Cop Tucks $100 into Ticket to Financially Strapped Driver
Your occasional "not all police suck" story
Your occasional "not all police suck" story
Claim membership has increased 400 percent since Obama's re-election
Float hit while going over tracks during parade in Texas
State accuses Warren Jeffs of laundering money to pay for hideout
Only in bizarro government world does that make sense
Didn't want to wear tag informing school of her whereabouts
President of the Arlington Police Association believes the officer did nothing wrong
Victim taken from a bus stop 11 years ago.
Vows to bring in Texas values, as well as spirit of compromise
Most other states have similar procedures in place
Was collecting bomb material to possibly target home of George W. Bush
Understands his citizens' frustrations with the federal government, though
Petition noted the NDAA, the TSA and the federal government's interventions in the economy
10 face charges in Texas that could lead to the death penalty
Was suspended last November
Patch of grass outside new convention center hotel will go for $162 per square foot
Claims she was flung agains her car during arrest
The state's decided not to use the funds on Planned Parenthood
The suspect then dies in police custody after being Tased
Like the State Department has any control over anything anymore
Gov. Rick Perry says he'll start immediately
In a letter to the Secretary of State, he re-iterated his intent to have any OSCE monitor within 100 feet of a polling place arrested
George W. Bush first invited OSCE election monitors to the U.S. back in 2002
Says they have no jurisdiction
Would rather you vote for the Mormon Capitalist
Judge allows them to stay until court fight
Regulations allow officials to inspect homes without warrants
Is it a First Amendment violation?
Barring Supreme Court intervention, he'll be put to death at 7 p.m. Eastern
Are they aware of all the porn about this kind of stuff?