Obamacare Opponents Lose Lawsuit over Subsidy Rules
Law was written to only apply to state-run exchanges but judge says it applies to all
Law was written to only apply to state-run exchanges but judge says it applies to all
Politicians always underestimate the cost and overstate the benefits of stadiums.
Remember how well Cash for Clunkers worked out?
Much more than just the federal loan Fisker received
Reason's science correspondent sends a fourth dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference
Thousands told they qualified for subsidies but did not, so their rates will be going up
Would have sold bonds to turn it into a convention center
The law states they're only supposed to go those who use the federal system, not state exchanges
But will keep the various restrictions the subsidies were meant to offset
Younger Americans are being suffocated by spending, subsidies, and debt
President recently announced subsidy would be cut
I'm sure the president appreciates your support anyway
Unions not happy with the way the rules work
Some companies benefit while their competitors are left out
Because Bass Pro could never make it on its own
Government's terrible record when it tries to pick winners and losers
Shoveling money to your buddies can be embarrassing
Everybody hates crony capitalism (except the cronies)
Federal loan for high-stakes gamble on train tourism will not be considered
It's good to have powerful friends
Subsidies for media outlets, political consultants
Supporters defend subsidies for federally operated exchanges, even though the law only allows them through the states
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is awash in red ink
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