Property Rights
Eminent Domain Gone Wild host Drew Carey visits National City, California, where the local government is taking eminent domain abuse to new lows.
National City
Drew Carey goes to National City, California where he encounters a uniquely perverse example of eminent domain abuse. Instead of using eminent domain to acquire property to build a school or a hospital, National City wants to replace a boxing club for at-risk kids with luxury condominiums.
The Limits of Anti-Kelo Legislation
Reformers are trying to outlaw eminent domain abuse. But will the laws they're passing be effective?
Who Owns Your Body Parts?
Everyone's making money in the market for body tissue -- except the donors.
Taking Land or Just Borrowing It With Interest?
Why are environmentalists in favor of compensating voluntary land use restrictions but not involuntary ones?
The Case of Cory Maye
A cop is dead, an innocent man may be on death row, and drug warriors keep knocking down doors.
Straight Talk Is Cheap
How John McCain became the capo of the new, reformed campaign finance syndicate
Endgame In New London, or, Another Successful Five-Year Plan
Last decade's business model and this week's evictions