More Liberal Concern Trolling on Paul Ryan: He Questioned the Integrity of Military Leaders!
He didn't cut military spending, but he questioned whether the Pentagon needed as much as it said it did. That's controversial?
He didn't cut military spending, but he questioned whether the Pentagon needed as much as it said it did. That's controversial?
Some Republicans are trying to distance themselves from the Ryan budget, others are vigorously defending it
"This bill offends my principles. But I'm going to vote for this bill in order to preserve my principles, in order to preserve this free enterprise system."
39 Percent say its a good or excellent one
"This is the first time that the national Republican Party has done something in over a decade that I go, 'Wow, you know what? That may be my party. "
He is not as strong with conservatives as Obama is with liberals.
The Obama adviser likened the excitment Ryan's selection has caused to the reaction caused by Palin's pick in 2008.
The Irish American Democrats say the GOP VP candidate does not represent Irish Catholic values.
The video features seniors who speak about what a GOP budget would do to medicare.
Trip will be the first solo campaign outing for Romney's VP pick.
The Times uses the word of Catholic bishops to target Paul Ryan after dismissing earlier concerns by bishops as partisan
Mitt Romney selects a running mate.
The Vice President and the Congressman will debate each other for the first time on October 11.
Architect of the Republican budget hits the ground running.
Not everyone is too thrilled about the Veep pick.
Multiple sources say they have multiple sources
No matter whom Republican Romney taps as his VP nominee, Democrats will accuse this person of crimes against common decency and fairness.
Rep. could help Romney win entitlement reform fights.
Golden Boy pick could be too strong a message of reform for voters in November.
Obama has his TelePrompTer permanently programmed to seek God's blessing for America in every speech.
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