Why Trump Can't Fix Health Care
People want it all, but they can't have it.
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It's hard to make a deal on a policy deal when you don't care about the policy.
President Trump is demanding a vote on a sloppily rewritten bill that could blow up the insurance market.
The Republican health care bill would still reduce insurance by 24 million and raise insurance premiums before 2020.
The AHCA will have to wait until tomorrow.
The House is planning a vote today on a bill that still isn't finalized.
That's why it might go down.
Matt Welch and Thomas Massie among those on tonight's Kennedy
Here are the problems with the House plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.
If universal access to medical care is the goal, the government is the goalie. It should get out of the way.
The continuous coverage provision is just one of the ways the House health care plan recycles the health law's policy scheme.
The House Speaker omits key information when he says the CBO confirms that the AHCA would make coverage more affordable.
The Trump administration has argued that the CBO estimates are not believable, but their own estimates showed a greater coverage decline.
The GOP's plan to repeal the health law's mandate would lead to 14 million fewer people being covered next year, according to the budget office.
Republicans have a risky multi-stage process in mind to take down the health law.
It's health care that matters, not health care insurance.
The Obamacare repeal bill landed with a thud, but the idea of pushing more Medicaid decision-making to the state level is likely to stick.
Judge Napolitano, John Stossel, Matt Welch, and more bring out the long knives on Kennedy
Conservative and libertarian activists and policy wonks have all expressed opposition to the House repeal plan.
People don't really want insurance.
It didn't begin with Obamacare Lite.
Rand: "This is Obamacare light. It will not pass."
The House bill trades one set of tax credits for another.
That's why the GOP's Obamacare repeal effort is flailing.
Republicans don't know how to roll back Obamacare's massive expansion of this lousy program.
The tax agency has stopped requiring individual filers to indicate whether they maintained health coverage or paid the mandate penalty as required under the law
GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare will run into a buzz-saw of political opposition
Libertarianish senator decries 'character assassination,' discusses his Obamacare replacement plan, and compares the anti-Trump left to the Tea Party
As Jason Chaffetz gets heckled and Justin Amash gets applauded, it's worth thinking about media double standards, political honesty in the age of Trump, and the terrifying intimacy of health care.
Georgia congressman confirmed 52-47.
A leaked rule would allow insurers to charge more to older customers, but it seems to violate the plain text of the statute.
Bernie Sanders tells a business owner he doesn't know about the hairdressing business, but he doesn't know about business at all.
Federal exchange enrollment is down, and insurers are threatening to pull out, as Republicans debate how to address the law.
New polls show the health law's popularity rising as Republicans struggle to come up with a plan.
The Oklahoma City Surgery Center is a model for how medical care can be better, faster, cheaper.
Trump's gutting of Obamacare is a breeze of freedom on a sea of regulation.
Paul's bill equalizes tax deductibility on insurance whether obtained through employer or not, makes creating private group insurance easier, relies on Health Savings Accounts.
Trump's new executive order signals his willingness to use the expansive executive branch powers built by the previous administration.
Topics covered include foreign policy, stimulus, Obamacare, climate policy, and more.
The Kentucky senator is taking steps to distance himself from Republican leadership.
From repealing Obamacare to dissecting Buzzfeed, the three-headed podcast is back
The Kentucky senator says he doesn't support a rollback of the health law without a replacement in place.
The GOP is heading into a health policy quagmire of their own making.
Democrats used it to pass parts of ObamaCare in 2010 without being denounced.
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