Citing Obamacare, UPS To Trim Thousands of Spouses from Health Plans
This is your healthcare reform
This is your healthcare reform
$100 million being offered
They'll be better off taking government-subsidized policies
Reimbursement rates suck
Remember, government knows best
Be sure to vote for your glorious benefactor
Without a funding bill the government will shutdown on Oct. 1
Says the IRS has failed to answer questions from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
Cheaper than paying for what they don't need
To help people understand the options available
Probably not what Obama had in mind
They'd rather keep their existing plans, thank you
Not that anybody can make you pay them
Will provide information to states to determine who is eligible for tax credits
Sounds like what someone trying to pull a bait and switch would say
Believe it will harm people on Medicare
Though he and Obamacare Repeal Coalition would prefer it be gone entirely
Worried about staffers looking for better work elsewhere
Cities don't have to be in trouble to dump retirees on federal taxpayers
Says it will hurt young people
Since January 2009 there have been 270,000 full-time jobs added and 1.9 million part-time jobs