British Free Marketeers Should Welcome Romanian and Bulgarian Immigrants
Some self-described supporters of the free market in the U.K. wrongly oppose the free movement of people
Can the Libertarian Republican and the Non-Libertarian Republican Be Friends?
Is it really necessary to have to dominate the other factions to have influence?
Economists From Costa Rica's Social Christian Unity Party Endorse Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Say backing free markets is the only way to combat socialism and the ruling party
Vaccines and the Responsibility To Not Put Others at Risk
Ronald Bailey responds to Dr. Jeffrey Singer's "Vaccination and Free Choice"
Fox Panelists Laugh After Juan Williams Calls Himself a Libertarian
Said he wasn't that worried about NSA being able to turn on remotely turn on laptop webcams
Vaccination and Free Choice
Vaccination is a wise idea, but in a free society, we must tolerate bad choices.
Abortion Rights vs. Women's Safety in Virginia
Conservatives are pushing costly business regulations they usually abhor. Is it an end run around the Constitution?
Discovering Your Inner Hunter-Gatherer: Q&A with Paleo Manifesto Author John Durant
Why do so many libertarians want to eat like cavemen?
What if Thanksgiving Exposes the Government?
What if at every Thanksgiving liberty is weakened and the government is strengthened?
Scrap the Welfare State and Give People Free Money
A guaranteed income would reduce the humiliations of the current welfare system while promoting individual responsibility.
Wired's Louis Rossetto on the Death of the Mega-State and the Digital Revolution
"The priests, the pundits, the politicians and the generals" who create positive change.
Conservatives Could Learn from Robert Sarvis and Libertarians
"Open-Minded and Open for Business" wins votes where retrograde social views don't.
This Just May Be the Libertarian Era
Old voters collecting Social Security may never change their minds, but libertarianism is growing fast among young Americans.
The New Future of Libertarian Politics
Can the Libertarian Party make good on Robert Sarvis' surprising showing in the Virginia governor's race?
Read This If You Believe Your Candidate Lost Due to Third-Party Voters
A primer on arguing outside the war between the blue and the red
No, Sarvis Isn't Costing Cuccinelli the Virginia Governorship
In today's "No, libertarians are not conservatives who smoke pot" news.
Survey: Most Libertarians Don't Identify With Tea Party
61 percent don't, according to a poll by the Public Religion Research Institute
Could Robert Sarvis Open the Door for Virginia Libertarians?
The state seems ready for progressive social values melded with a dose of badly needed economic realism.
Libertarian Candidate Sarvis Not Invited to Va. Governor's Debate
But for one percentage point
Folk High Schools, Adult Education, and the Philosophy of Nikolaj Grundtvig
Why the 19th Century Danish educator should be embraced by libertarians
Matt Welch on the Cloudy Libertarian Lessons of the Gingrich/Clinton Shutdown
Of confrontations and purges