Lois Lerner Said To Have Slowed IRS Review of Tea Party Applications
Just a tad politicized
Plenty of explaining to do
Obama administration has denied targeting conservative-leaning groups
But still show them treating Tea Party groups separately
Potentially putting himself beyond discipline
Response to targeting of conservative groups
Just kill the tax agency. Now.
Sure to please everybody, of course
Note: If you mean to keep your mouth shut, just keep your mouth shut
Both agencies reveal a government that's out of control.
They don't care that it's legal; it's embarrassing
The president's health care overhaul requires a massive expansion of the controversial tax agency.
Dealing with the tax man is already like a colonoscopy
Said she was innocent first
Accusation that he helped his friend secure them
Investigators say it they were fraudulently administered
Wine, romance novels and porn. Who says IRS employees are cold and heartless?
Political targeting broader than what was previously admitted to
Picked on the vulnerable
2-page bill unlikely to be passed into law
The IRS as hit squad
Supporters defend subsidies for federally operated exchanges, even though the law only allows them through the states
Sure doesn't look that way
"Audit the IRS" rally being held today in Washington D.C
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