The Lighter Side of Electronic Monitoring
History shows the benefits of positive reinforcement for Ankleted-Americans.
Gay Marriage, Like All Marriage, Not Worth Celebrating
Beware of governments granting the "right" to enter onerous lifelong contracts.
The Medicalization of Rebellion
The long, shameful history of using science to stigmatize dissent
Can the Government Force You to Eat Your Broccoli?
The Supreme Court weighs in on food freedom.
The 4 Best Legal Arguments Against ObamaCare
Why the president's sweeping health care overhaul should be struck down by the Supreme Court.
Socialist Cybernetics
A stylish dream of economic control fails in Salvador Allende's Chile
Adam Smith vs. Crony Capitalism
The Scottish philosopher's suspicions about business people were well-founded.
What America Can Learn From Portugal's Drug War Reforms
The level of conflicts on the street are reduced. Drug-related robberies are reduced. And now the police are not the enemies of the consumers.
Blind Ambition Is Not a Presidential Job Qualification
Nobody who wants the presidency too badly ought to be trusted with it.
Why the Super Bowl (and Other Sports) Shouldn't Become Political Footballs
Or, as a teenage, mostly non-practicing heterosexual libertarian regularly accused of being gay and communist simply for playing soccer, I am annoyed when some dumb game is larded up with ideological meaning.